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comparison to model timeseries shows unexpected vertical shifts in measurements #33

Open veenstrajelmer opened 5 months ago

veenstrajelmer commented 5 months ago

FZ shared the attached presentation called "Overleg_Verloop_Nederlandse_Waterstandmetingen_20220421.pdf". These slides show the monthly means of measured minus modelled waterlevels (bias corrected). It starts on slide 2 with 8 stations along the coast that show a strong spatial relation. The black line is the average of the stations: image

The following slides show several stations that sometimes show unexpected deviations from this average black line, for instance a temporary vertical offset in 2004 and 2005 for VLISSGN: image

Or difference that indicate a temporal offset trend like from 2009 to 2022 for BROUWHVSGT08 and DELFZL. DELFZL also shows a instantaneous correction in 2003, after which the trend continues: image

It concludes with a spatial overview of the bias in 2013-2025, which shows many white (zero) dots along the coast but also several outliers: image

Stations in the Waddensea and the RMM estuary could not be well represented in the model, so these can be ignored for now. Also, HOEKVHLD is affected by the Rhine ROFI and this is not well represented in the model. However, we expect that most of the other coastal stations to be sort of coherent. At least for Huibertgat, Brouwershavensegat and Cadzand we would expect bias values near zero.

The original presentation: Overleg_Verloop_Nederlandse_Waterstandmetingen_20220421.pdf

veenstrajelmer commented 4 months ago

The analysis was done again with data downloaded on 8-4-2024, so after the corrections in DDL data on 22-02-2024. Many stations were not changed. For DELFZL there were significant improvements.

With the original data (combination of waterbase and pre-feb-2024 DDL data), there was a continuous upwards trend visible in the bias, with periodic corrections. Note that the period was already updated with respect to the slides/figure in the original issue description. Also, the figure shows a combination of waterbase (to 2018) and DDL data (from 2018): image

When looking at updated DDL data (retrieved on 8-4-2024), it is clear that there was a linear correction and the bias is now more constant. However, in 2003 something seems off: image

This is even more clearly visible when looking at the surge signal only: image

The new figures contain only DDL data. This timeseries is incomplete in the start of the period of interest. This missing data was also documented in https://github.com/Rijkswaterstaat/wm-ws-dl/issues/39.

TODO: add other stations and updated slides

TvLoon-RWS commented 3 months ago

This issue is already picked up by the data-entry party