RikkaApps / Shizuku

Using system APIs directly with adb/root privileges from normal apps through a Java process started with app_process.
Apache License 2.0
10.16k stars 598 forks source link

Optimized data directory . is not owned by the current user. Shared storage cannot protect your application from code injection attacks. #385

Open 993739033 opened 9 months ago

993739033 commented 9 months ago

Please report bugs of Shizuku itself.


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rk3288:/ $ cd /sdcard/szk rk3288:/sdcard/szk $ ls -a . .. rish rish_shizuku.dex rk3288:/sdcard/szk $ sh rish java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Optimized data directory . is not owned by the current user. Shared storage cannot protect your application from code injection attacks. at dalvik.system.DexFile.(DexFile.java:139) at dalvik.system.DexFile.loadDex(DexFile.java:219) at dalvik.system.DexPathList.loadDexFile(DexPathList.java:362) at dalvik.system.DexPathList.makeElements(DexPathList.java:323) at dalvik.system.DexPathList.makeDexElements(DexPathList.java:263) at dalvik.system.DexPathList.(DexPathList.java:126) at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.(BaseDexClassLoader.java:48) at dalvik.system.DexClassLoader.(DexClassLoader.java:57) at a.b.run(SourceFile) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:755) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154) at rikka.shizuku.shell.ShizukuShellLoader.main(SourceFile:2) at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit.nativeFinishInit(Native Method) at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit.main(RuntimeInit.java:262) 1|rk3288:/sdcard/szk $

Related full logcat.

Describe the bug: i use term but command not working

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

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Add any other context about the problem here.

RikkaW commented 9 months ago

Just don't put rish file in /sdcard ?