RikkaApps / Shizuku

Using system APIs directly with adb/root privileges from normal apps through a Java process started with app_process.
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[BUG/HELP] android/data write denials while using shizuku #426

Open EbanNox opened 6 months ago

EbanNox commented 6 months ago

Please report bugs related to Shizuku itself.


Reports not meeting the requirements will be immediately closed.


Describe the bug: Any attempts to use Shizuku methods to 'chmod -R 777' on android/data subfolders throw back errors stating it's not allowed or permission denied. I've spent 4 to 5 hours searching Google for a solution to this, but found nothing. I've tried all the Shizuku-using file manager apps available, but none of them work. I attempted to change write permissions directly to files and subfolders using Termux, but encountered the same error. It seems that the adb solution is inadequate or the implementation of the solution itself doesn't properly utilize adb to chmod or other methods to write to android/data folders.

Additional context:

I'm trying to copy over some files from Stronghold, which is the new Elder Scrolls game on Android that I love. And I am trying to essentially "clone" the app to run in another Instance (with the same save files from [/android/data/com.bethsoft.stronghold/] but in [/android/data/com.excelliance.multiaccounts/gameplugins/com.bethsoft.stronghold/] by running the Stronghold app in another environment/instance using Multi Accounts. This app creates another folder inside android/data where it stores data for the app (Stronghold).

To clarify, the original app ('Stronghold') stores data in [/android/data/com.bethsoft.stronghold/].

while 'Multi Accounts' that runs the 'Stronghold' instance, stores data in [/android/data/com.excelliance.multiaccounts/gameplugins/com.bethsoft.stronghold/].

When starting and playing Stronghold within Multi Accounts, it creates two subfolders in [/android/data/com.excelliance.multiaccounts/gameplugins/com.bethsoft.stronghold/]: "cache" and "files"

It's the same with the original app 'Stronghold' if you would run it by it self, would also create these 2 files in [/android/data/com.bethsoft.stronghold].

But this is where they store Unity save data. However, some of these subfolders have only read permissions and no write permissions. I attempted to copy the save files from [/android/data/com.bethsoft.stronghold/] to [/android/data/com.excelliance.multiaccounts/gameplugins/com.bethsoft.stronghold/] using Shizuku, but failed miserably.

It just seems that copying and pasting any files in android/data with Shizuku doesn't seem to work anymore... is this a bug or a adb limitation? Or is there a way to properly utelise adb to achive my dreams?

vfishv commented 6 months ago

Try this:



EbanNox commented 6 months ago

Try this:



When I say

"I've tried all the Shizuku-using file manager apps available, but none of them work"

That means I have tryed ALL (SHIZUKU USING) ((((file managers))))

That includes "FV FILE MANAGER"

Becose it is a shizuku-using file manager 😒...

... understand. . Acsses to theese directories with shizuku is one thing.... getting to change a folder and files within it to change it attributes to have write permissions with read, using shizuku is another thing... witch should have been achievable using rish comman in termux.

If u don't know what rish is , it is a command that let's u use "other" commands via shizuku in terminals... besacly allowing u to use commands over the adb like system api...

If u gonna help, be informed , read thrue the text thurualy ... cus I get stingy 😒 😆

lisinho commented 5 months ago

AFAIK you are doing it wrong. Instead of using Shizuku you need to download and install Island app. Worth mentioning that the game will detect two instances of the same account login and disconnect one.

It works with FV file manager, watch tutorial videos.

UserInProgress commented 3 months ago

This guy is right, I can't modify Kodi player's files under the data folder. And it doesn't have write permission either. As far as I can see, adb can only modify permitted files. Unless there is a different method we missed.

chankruze commented 1 month ago

You can't do shit in android anymore due to shitty google's shitty pollicy. https://developer.android.com/about/versions/10/behavior-changes-10#execute-permission

Means, you can't even do chmod anywhere.