RikkaApps / Sui

Modern super user interface implementation on Android.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.39k stars 129 forks source link

Sui and Shizuku running at the same time? #29

Closed Jnss98b closed 2 years ago

Jnss98b commented 2 years ago

Should I uninstall shizuku if I installed sui (and vice versa) or they can safely run together on the same device? If not, is it recommended to use one over another?

RikkaW commented 2 years ago

First of all, they can run at the same time.

Sui does not support super old apps that lack Shizuku API v11+ support. If all your apps support Shizuku API v11+ and do not intentionally not supporting Sui (yes, there is such app), you can uninstall Shizuku.

Jnss98b commented 2 years ago

@RikkaW How would I check which version of the shuzuku api an app support?

RikkaW commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, there is no way but to run the app.