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Not allowing load writable dex in Android 14 #70

Open CyanChanges opened 8 months ago

CyanChanges commented 8 months ago

In Android 14, Load a writable dex will throw a SecurityException. (Document Here)

09 23:19:48.620 20596 20596 E rish    : Attempt to load writable dex file: /data/data/com.termux/files/home/./rish.dex
10-09 23:19:48.620 20596 20596 W rish    : Ljava/lang/ClassLoader$SystemClassLoader; failed initialization: java.lang.SecurityException: Writable dex file '/data/data/com.termux/files/home/./rish.dex' is not allowed.

And you will only get Aborted when running it.

$ ./rish

How to fix it:

$ chmod -w ./rish.dex
$ ./rish
Works fine...

Here is the full [log].
