RikudouSage / harbour-chatgpt

ChatGPT client for Sailfish OS
MIT License
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Add an indicator that a message has been copied #27

Closed henning-schild closed 11 months ago

henning-schild commented 11 months ago

i gave this app a try but did not find a way to copy text out to paste it into other applications, maybe i just did not figure it out, or the feature is missing

RikudouSage commented 11 months ago

You can tap the response and it should be copied into clipboard.

henning-schild commented 11 months ago

Oh i see, that is a rather hidden feature which i do not think people would expect. I clicked around waiting for a way to select parts of the answer and nothing happened.

I suggest to add some popup ways says "message copied to clipboard" so people get feedback when they tap around.

henning-schild commented 11 months ago

Thanks for taking that suggestion!

RikudouSage commented 11 months ago

The fix has been implemented, though it will be released at a later date, when translations are ready. If you want it sooner, you can download it from the build artifacts: https://github.com/RikudouSage/harbour-chatgpt/actions/runs/5577553384

henning-schild commented 11 months ago

I just received the update and now the "copy to clipboard" feature is not a hidden feature any longer. Thanks!