RimSort / RimSort

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FIXME: Rimsort packaged builds unable to launch on MacOS #323

Closed Limfjorden closed 1 week ago

Limfjorden commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug Rimsort does not launch. Instead, a pop-up explains that rimsort crashed.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Download rimsort
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Move the created App to Applications
  4. Open terminal
  5. run cd Applications
  6. run xattr -d com.apple.quarantine RimSort.app (this is to stop gatekeeper preventing launch)
  7. try to open Rimsort, by double-clicking on it

Expected behavior Rimsort can be launched after having done step 6 above.

Please complete the following information:

Chunnyluny commented 3 weeks ago

Can you maybe try to get python 3.11.9 instead? and let us know what happens then

twstagg commented 3 weeks ago

Can you maybe try to get python 3.11.9 instead? and let us know what happens then


This is a nuitka issue. They wouldnt be here with this issue if they were running from a development environment. We should probably avoid suggesting these things to people unless they are interested in contributing code or working on a technical issue.

Chunnyluny commented 3 weeks ago

Can you maybe try to get python 3.11.9 instead? and let us know what happens then


This is a nuitka issue. They wouldnt be here with this issue if they were running from a development environment. We should probably avoid suggesting these things to people unless they are interested in contributing code or working on a technical issue.

NVM then, but my Rimsort also said it couldn't find python, but python was installed --> 3.11.6 after I installed 3.11.9 it didn't give the warning any more.

Limfjorden commented 2 weeks ago

Can confirm this issue persists on RimSort Edge d43634c with the same termination reason as before: Termination Reason: Namespace DYLD, Code 1 Library missing Library not loaded: @executable_path/Python Referenced from: <81875404-83F7-383D-9ABD-9A0406867459> /Applications/RimSort.app/Contents/MacOS/RimSort Reason: tried: '/Applications/RimSort.app/Contents/MacOS/Python' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/Python' (no such file), '/usr/lib/Python' (no such file, not in dyld cache) (terminated at launch; ignore backtrace)

Regarding Python, I have the following versions installed, according to homebrew:

I don't know if it's a bad thing to have multiple versions installed and if that may be the issue?

metocolipson1 commented 2 weeks ago

I am having the same issue. I have a completely updated everything.

twstagg commented 2 weeks ago

Possibly related? https://github.com/Nuitka/Nuitka/issues/789#issuecomment-774737373

Limfjorden commented 2 weeks ago

Issue still present on Edge cdcf1a8.

hk21702 commented 1 week ago

Just for documentation reasons, this is due to this issue https://github.com/Nuitka/Nuitka/issues/2853 and a misconfiguration in github's mac 13 runners involving the brew lib openssl@3. It should be currently fixed for edge, and in the future, the build workflow will be updated so that it'll catch errors similar to this and make it more obvious that something is wrong.