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Designator injector does not handle ReverseDesignatorDatabase #143

Closed micktu closed 7 years ago

micktu commented 7 years ago

Meaning gizmos are not displayed for selected things, unllike vanilla ones.

If it's intentional, please provide a config option to also add designators to ReverseDesignatorDatabase.

ForsakenShell commented 7 years ago

A14 made the required fields public so CCLs implementation is now just a wrapper and is now deprecated. It will be removed in A15 (assuming that it isn't made private again).

Take a look at my ESM - Mine Vein and ESM - Smooth Wall for how to get them to work properly. The CCL code is basically a wrapper now but it should work.

https://github.com/ForsakenShell/Es-Small-Mods/blob/master/MineVein/SpecialInjectors/SpecialInjector_MineVein.cs https://github.com/ForsakenShell/Es-Small-Mods/blob/master/SmoothWall/SpecialInjectors/SpecialInjector_SmoothWall.cs