RingOV / gis-weather

Customizable weather widget
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Update frequency too long #32

Open 0bron opened 6 years ago

0bron commented 6 years ago

Really enjoying this widget in general, thank you for the design.

I do find a minimum update frequency of 60 minutes much too long. At least in my area, the weather is much more variable than that -- I often find that if I do a manual refresh, the updated temperature can jump by 5°C or more.

Even if the weather service only updates its data once per hour, which seems unlikely, then that would mean that the widget could be almost 2 hours behind. I understand not wanting to hammer the weather service with constant data requests, but surely updating every 10 or 15 minutes wouldn't be an issue? It could still be set to upd_time = 60 by default but allow users a minimum setting of 10.
