RingOV / gis-weather

Customizable weather widget
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Gis-weather stop working! #35

Open ilianiron opened 6 years ago

ilianiron commented 6 years ago

Installed on kubuntu 18.04 and worked with no problems 3 weeks, but from 3 days after starting hangs with getting weather....not responded to nothing! The only way to stop is killing process!

RingOV commented 6 years ago


open ~/.config/gis-weather/gw_config1.json and manually edit to "service": "Gismeteo",

ilianiron commented 6 years ago

Doesn't work this thread- open ~/.config/gis-weather/gw_config1.json and manually edit to "service": "Gismeteo"! Gave me "invalid data". City codes for accuweather, gismeteo has changed! Yr.no only work but the temperature data is wrong! Open weather has problem with code and API-keys and so they not work! May be need new version with new code! 1,5 years has not new version-this is very long time!

lega99 commented 6 years ago

gis-weather stopped working yesterday afternoon, no meteorological site is operational. He does not work for Manjaro, Calculate-Gentoo, Neon 16.04, Kubuntu 18.04. My setup was already Gismeteo. the program multiplies gw_config1.json to gw_config2.json, gw_config3.json

RingOV commented 6 years ago

Gismeteo update your english version site. That's why gis-weather stopped working with gismeteo. I recommend use OpenWeatherMap, because it is free service. You need get API key only. https://openweathermap.org/appid#get

ilianiron commented 6 years ago

Openweathermap data and forecast is incorrect! Simply remove gis-weather and wait for new corrected version!

kooshball commented 6 years ago

Getting error "Unable to download page, check the network connection" with Openweathermap. My internet connection is fine as I am able to come to this page as well as able to hit https://openweathermap.org/city/5199600 with chrome.

kooshball commented 6 years ago

Getting the following error when I switch from Celsius to Fahrenheit: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/gis-weather/gis-weather.py", line 876, in expose self.Draw_Weather(self.cr) File "/usr/share/gis-weather/gis-weather.py", line 1002, in Draw_Weather self.draw_weather_icon_now(cr, 0, 20 + margin) File "/usr/share/gis-weather/gis-weather.py", line 1208, in draw_weather_icon_now self.draw_text(cr, t_today[i].split(';')[t_index], x0+a((j+1)//2), y0+11+b(i//2), font+' Normal', 8, 50,Pango.Alignment.LEFT) IndexError: list index out of range

The version of the app is with the Yr weather service. Unable to use other services due to the errors listed in the previous comments.

RingOV commented 6 years ago

ilianiron, your right. kooshball, send me e-mail with all output of openweather getting weather.

lega99 commented 6 years ago

openweathermap working, api key and city codes. In some periods they do not have data for today Gismeteo and other metheological sites have the same code on the web page, but it seems that the procedure for obtaining data has changed

vlag24 commented 6 years ago

well, it's working for me on MxLinux i686 (32bits) version right now with openweather. I used to use accuweather but as you know it's not working anymore since a few days so I delete the conf file and start the app again (which create a new conf file) and everything works great chosing openweather. 2018-05-20_11 23

RingOV commented 6 years ago

lega99, OpenWeather not have data for today, then this period of time in past.

lega99 commented 6 years ago

RingOV, I'm completely confused, I have a KDEplasmoid that feeds data with yr.no and meteorological data agree with data with openweather: pressure, temperature, wind speed screenshot_20180520_130527

lega99 commented 6 years ago

RingOV, My mistake, this is the meteorological forecast and the openweather and yr.no does not show the past time. In any case, I install Meteo forecast with a meteorological alarm

yuranos commented 6 years ago

Will gismeteo integration be fixed anywhere soon? Does it make any sense to wait or should we switch to OpenWeatherMap?

yuranos commented 6 years ago

OpenWeatherMap doesn't work for me. Says "Invalid location code".

lega99 commented 6 years ago

@yuranos, If you have the correct API key?, the location code has not been changed

yuranos commented 6 years ago

Hi, @lega99. Well, I registered and copy-pasted it from their web site just today. I will check it one more time, but in any case it's confusing.

yuranos commented 6 years ago

Hi @lega99. Apologies, I think I just needed to wait a bit longer before the key was being activated. Now I'm able to add a location, but the widget is still not showing any data.

lega99 commented 6 years ago

Hi, yuranos I used the API key from another program. Yesterday I reinstalled gis-weather and I used this API key from another program and to the city code from all over the page. City codes were not changed, the procedure for sending data to the program may be changed, only openweather works according to the old procedure. It may be a problem with the python version 2.x or 3.x...

RingOV commented 6 years ago

OpenWeather problem I understand. https://openweathermap.org/price Free API not alowed 16 daily weather, but it worked before. I need time for edit getting weather from 5 days/3 hour forecast API.

lega99 commented 6 years ago

If I understand your writing well, this means that there is a problem in meteorological servers that change their services. Free services are very limited so it becomes difficult to write a program that will cover all options because yr.no has its policy what it gives or does not give for free, the accuweather does not seem to give anything more free, Gismeteo also. Plus all these meteorological servers have a target group of windows users and billing services. I have Accuweather on my mobile phone and the service is free, so I will not know how to stay.

lega99 commented 6 years ago

Gismeteo works only on Russian translation, I compiled gis-weather

protegh commented 6 years ago

Today I noticed the following: When gis-weather stalls (trying to get data from Accuweather) or fails on start (ImportError: No module named 'gi'. I use Gentoo Linux and my self made Ebuild was buggy.) it changed the config in ~/.config/gis-weather/) and on the next start I get `... (normal start messages)

Herunterladen https://www.gismeteo.com/city/weekly/14135 OK Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/gis-weather/gis-weather.py", line 722, in redraw self.expose_indicator() File "/usr/share/gis-weather/gis-weather.py", line 733, in expose_indicator weather1 = get_weather() File "/usr/share/gis-weather/gis-weather.py", line 442, in get_weather return data.get_weather(service) File "/usr/share/gis-weather/services/data.py", line 76, in get_weather return gismeteo.get_weather() File "/usr/share/gis-weather/services/gismeteo.py", line 268, in get_weather city_name = re.findall('type[A-Z].\">(.)<', w_now[0]) IndexError: list index out of range ` and here it stalls again. With an old working config from backup or a complete new config gis-weather with gismeteo works again.

lega99 commented 6 years ago

@protegh Which languages for forecast are offered in the set . I have only Russian and 3 former Russian republics. I have Calculate linux (Gentoo) I have localized on Serbian but the language forecast depends on the weather forecast server.

protegh commented 6 years ago

@lega99 For Gismeteo I have English, Russian, 3 former Russian republics, Romana. I have localized on English.

lega99 commented 6 years ago

@protegh Thanks for your reply. I have English too, but if you choose an English option in setting the weather forecast location, the program does not accept it. I chose Russian to set up forecast locations and then the program accepts my location New Belgrade in Serbia. Definitely the program must be completely changed if the author wants it.. As far as I could look at the web pages, all the weather forecasts are given in 5 days

RingOV commented 6 years ago

OpenWeatherMap working now with free api key. Use 5 days / 3 hour weather. Added sunrise, sunset, sun_duration. Added new preset for OpenWeatherMap. Need testing.

0bron commented 6 years ago

You have a bug in openweathermap.py line 187:

json.dump(source, open('/home/ringov/weather.json', "w", encoding='utf-8')

Most of us don't have a home folder called ringov. ;)

RingOV commented 6 years ago

arvana, thank you Fixed ebb3631bf86b58053b79885a40a37e27f9fcdd41

lega99 commented 6 years ago

I do not think this is the right way to fix the program. More radical changes in graphic design are needed. https://s33.postimg.cc/f4wgdad3j/023.png

RingOV commented 6 years ago

lega99, https://github.com/RingOV/gis-weather/issues/35#issuecomment-393295058

Added new preset for OpenWeatherMap.

lega99 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the effort but I'm not a developer. I compile the git version you put on the directions you gave https://github.com/RingOV/gis-weather I'm doing my last night's link and the result is the one in the picture, plus I had to type API key

RingOV commented 6 years ago

lega99, https://github.com/RingOV/gis-weather/issues/35#issuecomment-393295058

Added new preset for OpenWeatherMap.

mean menu

lega99 commented 6 years ago

@RingOV Thank you for the explanation. I did not think I'd go to that menu. I have set openweathermap at the city, API key is a requirement and I expected the program to set the mask for the display for 5 days. Programming and intervention was my job, my mistake, the difrent logic. It was always easier for me to write the program again than to correct and dampen the program with the change of essential starting points

lega99 commented 6 years ago


Here's how it looks after re-compiling. There are not one days in the prognosis. When the zip file is unpacked, it does not have the same name as when the git is delivered. Forecast with Gismeteo is not true for my city, I compared data from the Serbian state metrological site and gismeteo and openweather.

lega99 commented 6 years ago

@RingOV, 2dana

There are not two days in the prognosis. This is a situation I have already shown before the program is changed. I quit the program, thanks for the effort

phd21 commented 6 years ago

Hi RingOV,

I have been using this wonderful weather application for years until recently.

BUT for months now, I cannot get any weather service to work with this application anymore? What is going on with this software? Is there going to be an update to fix this, or is there a simple way to fix this? I am using Linux Mint 17.x (Ubuntu 14.04) and 18.x (Ubuntu 16.04).

Regards, Phil (phd21) phd21mint@gmail.com

jeffkny commented 6 years ago

Hello. As with other users, I am getting error on startup with Gis-weather, and with any weather service. I went so far as to get an API for openWeatherMap, and still getting error "Error getting data". This is a sad occurrence for me, as I have used this app quite awhile. I love it on my desktop (Mint 18). Hoping it can be repaired soon. Jeff in USA

opuntia41 commented 6 years ago

My Gis-weather stopped working. I think it may have to do with the Linux kernel. I accepted kernel updates and afterwards Gis stopped working. It would load on start-up but would report an error. I don't have a fix for this.

wtrabbithole commented 5 years ago

Hi. Widget stopped getting weather from Gismeteo site. There may be a problem with the changed page code on the site

lega99 commented 5 years ago

Gismeteo change free forecast to 3 days https://www.gismeteo.com/

RingOV commented 5 years ago

Try lastest version.

alideda commented 5 years ago


What version, where