RingOV / gis-weather

Customizable weather widget
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Configuration file renewal #40

Open rosoau opened 5 years ago

rosoau commented 5 years ago

I had a strange issue with forecast icons disappearing when enabling the today block. It had nothing to do with size or padding or what WM I used. So I backed up ~/.config/gis-weather/gw_config1.json, (it contained city codes and the key) restarted gis-weather and configured it all again (it created a new gw_config1.json file) and this time NO MORE issues. Very happy moment. It could well be that also the personal configuration file goes through changes, and we had many of them lately. So from time to time this may need to have a fresh start. Many thanks to the developer for giving a new life to this, I think, the best of all weather apps. Well done