RingOV / gis-weather

Customizable weather widget
58 stars 18 forks source link

Using gismeteo.com (with latest gis-weather 0.8.4), city name is shown in Russian #41

Open logix2 opened 5 years ago

logix2 commented 5 years ago

Using gismeteo.com (with latest gis-weather 0.8.4), the city name is shown in Russian (and it can't be edited in the location setup GUI), even though I'm not russian and I have the system language set to English. The indicator extended weather menu is also in Russian.

Also, the city I tried to add is not located in Russia either, and the "Language weather" setting from the Location dialog window is set to English.

RingOV commented 5 years ago

Show screenshots: 1) Weather widget; 2) Preferences -> General tab

logix2 commented 5 years ago

This is a gallery with the weather widget, indicator and preferences screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hwLmLEu

The city I entered the code for is Berlin.

RingOV commented 5 years ago

Do you refresh weather after set weather language?

logix2 commented 5 years ago

The language has always been set to English and nothing else.

RingOV commented 5 years ago

Open widget on terminal gis-weather and show output

logix2 commented 5 years ago
$ gis-weather
Gis Weather 0.8.4
Configuration folder:

(gis-weather.py:28036): Gtk-WARNING **: 16:20:06.129: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:1:114: Failed to import: Error opening file /home/logix/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/no-title-bar@franglais125.gmail.com/stylesheet.css: No such file or directory

(gis-weather.py:28036): Gtk-WARNING **: 16:20:06.129: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:2:120: Failed to import: Error opening file /home/logix/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/no-title-bar@franglais125.gmail.com/stylesheet-tiled.css: No such file or directory
/usr/share/gis-weather/gis-weather.py:1535: DeprecationWarning: Gtk.Window.set_has_resize_grip is deprecated
/usr/share/gis-weather/gis-weather.py:1594: DeprecationWarning: Gtk.Window.set_opacity is deprecated
Widget size:
    width = 592 height = 320 including indent = 20
/usr/share/gis-weather/gis-weather.py:1546: DeprecationWarning: Gtk.Widget.is_composited is deprecated
  if not self.window_main.is_composited():
Your screen supports alpha
/usr/share/gis-weather/gis-weather.py:808: DeprecationWarning: Gdk.cairo_create is deprecated
  self.cr = Gdk.cairo_create(self.get_window())
> Getting weather for 6 days
> Downloading https://services.gismeteo.ru/inform-service/inf_chrome/forecast/?lang=com&city=2391
> updated on server 14:50
> weather received 16:20
> Next update in 60 min
> downloading 28.png
Unable to download
/usr/share/gis-weather/gis-weather.py:593: DeprecationWarning: AppIndicator3.Indicator.set_icon is deprecated
> downloading 28.png
Unable to download
/usr/share/gis-weather/gis-weather.py:1118: DeprecationWarning: dist() and linux_distribution() functions are deprecated in Python 3.5
  if platform.dist()[0] == 'debian':
> downloading 45.png
Unable to download
> downloading 26.png
Unable to download
> downloading 37.png
Unable to download
> downloading 38.png
Unable to download
> downloading 11.png
Unable to download
> downloading 11.png
Unable to download
> downloading 40.png
Unable to download
> downloading 37.png
Unable to download
> downloading 37.png
Unable to download
> downloading 37.png
Unable to download
> downloading 39.png
Unable to download
> downloading 39.png
Unable to download
> downloading 39.png
Unable to download
> downloading 39.png
Unable to download
> Check for new version (deb)
>>> New version available
>>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/gis-weather/files/gis-weather/

I guess the URL https://services.gismeteo.ru/inform-service/inf_chrome/forecast/?lang=com&city=2391 lang parameter should be en, but is set to com.

RingOV commented 5 years ago

lang parameter should be en, but is set to com.

Yes, this is problem. Default value was "com", I fix it in next commit. Solution: Change other weather lang -> update -> change English -> update

logix2 commented 5 years ago
