RinglingGameArt / 2019_Senior_Thesis

Repository Ringling for GA Seniors
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M4 "Playtest" Feedback #399

Open egingric opened 4 years ago

egingric commented 4 years ago

Marty - planar reflection on stairs. Mike - don't like the death trap floors if they get wet. David - floaty controls. Hard to go slow. Marty - the force field needs a heat distortion effect when we get killed by it. David - Door needs to be better indicated. Mark I, Mark II, Mark III, on the robots. Morgan - edge wear in alcove feels like substance designer. Marty - Roombas have boolean operation don't go here. Can I change your drone patterns just by transforming into something? Mike - totally lost in hallways. Need unique wayfinder marks. Ryland - different clors on panels. Morgan - more BOB on roombas Mike - Why is it cold? Need more visuals that read as a server room. Wires? David - not enough time to get out of detection zones. Eric - things that kill you generally need slightly smaller collision death than the visual for that death. Morgan - That is a good ending. I like that! David - seems mostly finised but needs a lot of balance tweaks. Eric - Great death!!