RinglingGameArt / 2020_Junior_Prepro

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Madi and Sarah Feedback Session 3/31 #61

Open scarrollrcad opened 4 years ago

scarrollrcad commented 4 years ago

Primary goal - identify animation states you need for enemy and player. Determining the rules of gameplay will help finalize animation needs.

Enemy iterations Enemy activates shield and gravity vortex at same time. Player cannot fire arrows while under the influence of the vortex

Enemy 1 (Shield Only) Just has a shield to introduce timing challenge Shield could block progress or guard a key - wait for the enemy to get tired and bring shield down. Shield has knockback affect on player and causes damage Tight window where the shield opens and closes to shoot vulnerable area.

Enemy 2 (Vortex Only) Vortex only - vortex weakens player health Player has duck or grab or spring away from enemy to avoid vortex

Enemy 3 (Shield and Vortex) Possibly enemy could also shoot projectiles at you.

Other possible iterations Multiple weakpoints that you have to hit? Enemy 3 might be stronger.

scarrollrcad commented 4 years ago

It might be helpful to watch this animation states video to just reinforce lessons from gd3.



Sarah might need aimspaces for the bow and arrow. But current aim and shoot over the shoulder method might be enough.

Talk to Ryland about terrain. How is it separated cleanly? Does one person own it?

scarrollrcad commented 4 years ago


What are the visual tells between these 3 moments. Animation Tells for Enemy (state machine) Material Effects for the gravity well <---> visually connect to character?

  1. Defense / Charging up Mode

  2. Absorption / Attack - Gravity Well Player has to duck at the right time - if not they die

  3. Small Window of Vulnerability


1 Defense / Charging up Power Animation Based - weak point is protected If player gets close - knock-back damage Use spherical material fx for defense

2 Vulnerable Window Player has to shoot weak point

3 Attack Covers weak point with one hand Attacks with other hand Recycle spherical material fx for attack (smaller scale)

Idle - Wind up - fire - return to idle

think about material fx transitions fx is enabled -> looped -> disabled

VFX impact VFX breakdown sheet Sarah - health bar