RinglingGameArt / 2020_Junior_Prepro

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R3 - Visdev Mock Critique - Davanda #77

Open scarrollrcad opened 4 years ago

scarrollrcad commented 4 years ago

Summary Renee - Spellchecker, watch out for tangents Searching Naviagation

Map Ryland - questionable room layout. look at house floorplanes Michael - hallways / connector space Ryland - find a Barbados floor plan and problem solved

Important Items origin story of stuffed animal - 30 years old?

Ryland - work on temp wheelchair

Key Props Ryland - grandfather clock should a key item not a prop Renee - are these torture devices? Marty - research products for cognitive development Marty - time frames Ryland - remove the word C.O.L.D. on their refrigerator or play it up

Mood Painting - Kitchen Marty - The story makes this place special. Whats contemporary? what's historical?
Renee - frankenstein painting - way to many things. doesn't feel functional. Michael - you can tell story with the placement of the props


Michael PhillippiToday at 5:02 PM Digging for floorplans and not happy with most results, but take a look at this to see all the space allowances you need for a living space.... closet bathrooms, etc.... it effects how you move through a believable living space: image

inset the trident into a kinder shape: image image

