Rinnegatamante / DaedalusX64-vitaGL-Compatibility

Compatibility List for DaedalusX64-VitaGL (https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/DaedalusX64-vitaGL)
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Aero Fighters Assault #41

Open BadRob85 opened 4 years ago

BadRob85 commented 4 years ago

Game summary

Daedalus X64 summary


Game start but is too slow and is unplayable. The audio sound terribly. my psvita is oc to 500mhz # Screenshots ![](https://?) # Recommended labels
Dreamer1972 commented 2 years ago

Aero Fighters Assault (U) Using Dx64 v0.6 nightly (ba53a2)

Settings: Dynarec / modern render / texture cache - fast Audio disabled

Audio works, however, there is a noise that gets louder until you can't take it. Single tone. So silence is better. Menus are good. Game itself plays fine. Haven t noticed any graphical errors. In-game runs at around 20fps. Menus at 60fps. Everything seems to function. Playable but slow.

EDIT: The sun flare effect looks nice. It just needs a speed boost. 👀

Screenshots aerofight1 aerofight2 aerofight7 aerofight8

ozymandis12 commented 2 months ago

May have found a solution to ringing noise, add audio sync, wait till game loads up to menu DONT MOVE OR TOUCH BUTTONS, wait till ringing increases then slowly fades away. Game audio sounds fine after that.