Rinnegatamante / DaedalusX64-vitaGL-Compatibility

Compatibility List for DaedalusX64-VitaGL (https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/DaedalusX64-vitaGL)
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International Superstar Soccer 64 #47

Open Invictaz opened 4 years ago

Invictaz commented 4 years ago

Game summary

Daedalus X64 summary


Black background First manufacturer logo's fullspeed Characters visible Flickers like crazy, almost epileptic attacks After the intro it stays black Speed is fine, even without dynarec on

Invictaz commented 4 years ago

With latest Masterfeizz commit it shows menu game logo but fades to white. Clearly an improvement with 20fps steady.

Rinnegatamante commented 1 year ago

It can now get even to teams selection however there the framerate drops to something like 1 frame per 20 seconds making it virtually impossible to start a game. Textures are also messed up