Rinnegatamante / DaedalusX64-vitaGL-Compatibility

Compatibility List for DaedalusX64-VitaGL (https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/DaedalusX64-vitaGL)
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Twisted Edge - Extreme Snowboarding #497

Open animekai opened 3 years ago

animekai commented 3 years ago

Game summary

Daedalus X64 summary


Game freezes on a white screen either dynarec or interpreter, but disabling audio, can go to start menu, and if modern render is selected, goes to the same menu but with better textures, but cant push start. broken logic


with modern render and audio off 2020-08-04-222703-989673

with legacy render and audio off 2020-08-04-222808-354068

Recommended labels

Dreamer1972 commented 2 years ago

Twisted Edge - Extreme Snowboarding (U) Using Dx64 v0.6 nightly (ba53a2)

Settings: Dyna / modern renderer / audio disabled / HLE Disabled (high level emulation)

Boots up fine. Menus and game run around 30-35fps. While going down the slope, textures on track change colors and textures...trippy. You must disable HLE to get past START screen. It is technically playable. Everything is about half speed. In game+?

Screenshots twisted edge2 twisted edge twisted edge 3