Rinnegatamante / YoYo-Loader-Vita-Compatibility

Compatibility List for YoYo Loader Vita (https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/yoyoloader_vita)
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Deltarune Android Port [DELTARUNE] #18

Open yunyxn opened 2 years ago

yunyxn commented 2 years ago

Game summary

YoYo Loader summary


Normal version crashes on start. Shaderless version hangs on a black screen Log files: normal.txt shaderless.txt

Rinnegatamante commented 2 years ago

With recent changes it now gets in game but inputs prevent to make it go further

mochi-mitsu commented 2 years ago

Touchscreen inputs work fine now Without Save Files: Selecting Chapter 1 crashes the runner when it tries to load the heads for the "create a vessel" sequence Selecting Chapter 2 hard crashes the entire system when it tries to load the sprites for the logo

With Save Files: Selecting Chapter 1 crashes the runner when it tries to load the save select Selecting Chapter 2 crashes the runner while trying to load the cutscene before the save select

Rinnegatamante commented 2 years ago

Try to run the game with Runner on Main Thread, Extended Mem, Extended Runner Pool.

mochi-mitsu commented 2 years ago

No difference. Also tried various combinations of every setting Attached the log file, doesn't seem to be very conclusive to me. Also, as of commit 8c9406a, the game crashing crashes the entire system and forces it to reboot. yyl.log

Rinnegatamante commented 2 years ago

Seems like another crash due to out of mem'ing, i think the game might be too much for the Vita (unless the .droid file can be shrinked consistently in size)

mochi-mitsu commented 2 years ago

How much memory can a game use here? DELTARUNE sits at 197.6MB in Task Manager on Windows. I can probably mod the game to have it eat less memory.

Rinnegatamante commented 2 years ago

Newlib heap is set to 300MBs in extended runner pool mode.

GooSee2001 commented 2 years ago

For me, Chapter 1 is working with touchscreen APK. Enabled nearly every setting. And still didn't crashed at the Alphys scene. Chapter 2 still gives that crash. EDIT: Chapter 1 plays good but can't change touchscreen controls to Vita controls.

GooSee2001 commented 2 years ago

Chapter 2 works with the new update. Enabled everything except network features and disable splashscreen. Got to the Castle Town without major issues. Only some textures had lines and performance dropped when doing some animations. Still the game can't detect Vita controller although pressing L button acts like Z

Girotin commented 2 years ago

How did u guys made the inputs work?

Tried running the latest 2.0.3 version and everything seem to render nicely, but it's just extremely confusing to make it respond with the touchscreen, barely works

GooSee2001 commented 2 years ago

2.0.3 has issue with touchscreen. Try to find older version like 2.0.0 or something.

Mawile0 commented 2 years ago

the 2.0.0 apk does indeed work fine (link). the button controls even work, but make sure to NOT enable "fake windows as a platform". ch2 still crashes pretty early on though, after the first screen in cyber world. using an optimized apk, everything to save memory enabled. here's the log

GooSee2001 commented 2 years ago

I thought the controls worked when I replaced keyconfig_0.ini from PC version but it works out of the box.

Terminator367 commented 2 years ago

hay alguna otra version que funcione perfectamente o mejor, o alguuna forma de arreglar esos errores?

CatoTheYounger97 commented 2 years ago

Playable with remapping keyboard inputs to vita gamepad inputs in keys.ini

Rinnegatamante commented 2 years ago

Didn't it crash on chapter 2?

JohnnyonFlame commented 2 years ago


CatoTheYounger97 commented 2 years ago

To get past the soft lock in cyber world. Move the /mus/ folder from inside the apk, to: ux0:data/gms/[deltarune_folder]/assets/

CatoTheYounger97 commented 2 years ago

report by Kuropted on discord: Snowgrave route is playable. Pacificst route crashes "before the 3 puzzles in the mansion"

TheeZer000 commented 2 years ago

Why im crashing on Chapter 1 when entering Dark World?

Spec6969 commented 1 year ago

I cant even get into chapter 2 using 2.0.3 shaderless, it just crashes my whole system.. I have all the assets in a folder instead of the apk and tried both ways, Is getting into chapter 2 even possible? the comments above seem to imply so

CatoTheYounger97 commented 1 year ago

@Spec6969 make sure you optimise the apk with externalisation. If the Android port doesn't work, you can try asset swapping in the PC version files.

Spec6969 commented 1 year ago

I tried that

On Thu, Aug 4, 2022, 7:10 PM CatoTheYounger97 @.***> wrote:

@Spec6969 https://github.com/Spec6969 make sure you optimise the apk with externalisation.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/YoYo-Loader-Vita-Compatibility/issues/18#issuecomment-1205863426, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/A2LGYHWVHILTF4ZVMYXUJUDVXRETZANCNFSM5S76HUDA . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.*** .com>

CatoTheYounger97 commented 1 year ago

@Spec6969 I just set it up on my vita and got into chapter 2 fine.

Spec6969 commented 1 year ago

Okay are you able to try this mod out? DR. CHAP.1 NOELLE EDITION (Definitive version) https://gamebanana.com/games/6755 It comes with a game.win

On Thu, Aug 4, 2022, 7:41 PM CatoTheYounger97 @.***> wrote:

@Spec6969 https://github.com/Spec6969 I just set it up on my vita and got into chapter 2 fine.

  • start again with just the deltarune apk (doesn't matter if shaderless)
  • place the apk within ux0:data/gms/[deltarune_folder] -open yoyoloader, find the game and open triangel menu. -select compress textures option and then run optimise apk + externalisation -wait for it to finish, then select 'fake windpow platform' in the trangle menu, to make the keymap work. -launch the game, you should be able to play chapter 2. -To get past the soft lock in cyber world. Move the /mus/ folder from inside the apk, to: ux0:data/gms/[deltarune_folder]/assets/

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/YoYo-Loader-Vita-Compatibility/issues/18#issuecomment-1205882481, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/A2LGYHXJFHECATJ44FJ6FI3VXRIJLANCNFSM5S76HUDA . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.*** .com>

CatoTheYounger97 commented 1 year ago

can't make it work, because it has a different GMS version that isn't simple to find an asset swap for.

Spec6969 commented 1 year ago

@Spec6969 I just set it up on my vita and got into chapter 2 fine.

  • start again with just the deltarune 2.03 apk (doesn't matter if shaderless)
  • place the apk within ux0:data/gms/[deltarune_folder]
  • open yoyoloader, find the game and open the triangle menu.
  • select compress textures option and then run optimise apk + externalisation
  • wait for it to finish, then select 'fake windpow platform' in the trangle menu, to make the keymap work.
  • launch the game, you should be able to play chapter 2.
  • to get past the soft lock in cyber world. Move the /mus/ folder from inside the apk, to: ux0:data/gms/[deltarune_folder]/assets/

So if i externalize, wouldnt that making moving the mus folder redundant

JohnnyonFlame commented 1 year ago

@Spec6969 I just set it up on my vita and got into chapter 2 fine.

You'll get softlocked towards the final stages. You need a very specific patch to split up and uncompress some sprites otherwise the game won't detect the "puzzle finished" condition.

This happens because the game renders the current state to a buffer, grabs it from the renderbuffer and calculates a hash to compare it to the known good state, this will fail because there are very slight differences between the monolithic and the partial sprites caused by compression.

Girotin commented 1 year ago

Call me crazy here, but do you guys think it's possible to make an separate app based on Yoyo Loader to make this run better?

Like when we got the part 1 port for example? Or I'm making things too complicated going that way?

JPdev-was-taken commented 1 year ago

does anyone have a download link for version 2.03? I can't find it anywhere

scotthewoz commented 10 months ago

@Spec6969 I just set it up on my vita and got into chapter 2 fine.

You'll get softlocked towards the final stages. You need a very specific patch to split up and uncompress some sprites otherwise the game won't detect the "puzzle finished" condition.

This happens because the game renders the current state to a buffer, grabs it from the renderbuffer and calculates a hash to compare it to the known good state, this will fail because there are very slight differences between the monolithic and the partial sprites caused by compression.

Can you explain how to actually do this? I can't seem to figure out what to do

panpeus commented 4 months ago


Okay are you able to try this mod out? DR. CHAP.1 NOELLE EDITION (Definitive version) https://gamebanana.com/games/6755 It comes with a game.win

Got this modded version playing.

GMS 2.0.6 bytecode 16

YoYo ver: e5b58d