Rinnegatamante / flycast-vita-compatibility-list

Compatibility list for Flycast Vita ( https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/flycast-vita )
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Bakumatsu Roman Dai ni Maku - Gekka no Kenshi - Final Edition (NTSC JP) #175

Open delon5 opened 2 years ago

delon5 commented 2 years ago

game img: gdi

Pre-Menu can range from 20-60fps with Menu solid 60 when loading into game fps ranges from 15-25fps after 5 seconds loading into the arena fps hold and maintains 30-40fps for the round. Only dropping when the next round begins for 5 seconds.

3C00643C-103D-4A31-BF3F-1E95C0B4A697 Menu 3F54B1D1-7A48-4D8D-839A-CAB686C73F8B 51CB41B3-0EF9-419F-8166-1BACF44EF869 0D9925D7-D1C5-43AE-BA59-4AF4E76C4D7B D78485F6-EA1C-40AA-814C-B8FF123AF976 FAD4E09C-EB2D-4526-A1F0-38E8AAF363E3

I would rate this playable.

GENERAL pal tv composite

VIDEO Frame skipping - max Per Strip Shadows - yes fog - yes mipmaps - yes use simple shaders - yes delay frame swaping - yma ADVANCED idle skip use neon simd self-modifying code checks - off multi-threaded emulation Downclock 3.000

vince56100 commented 7 months ago

Or download it please?