Rinnegatamante / flycast-vita-compatibility-list

Compatibility list for Flycast Vita ( https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/flycast-vita )
18 stars 0 forks source link

Redux - Dark Matters (HB) #188

Closed delon5 closed 1 year ago

delon5 commented 1 year ago

game img: cdi

The game runs at a pretty consistent 60fps with minimal slowdown when more enemies are on screen.



I would call this perfect.

GENERAL pal tv composite

VIDEO Frame skipping - max Per Strip Shadows - yes fog - yes mipmaps - yes use simple shaders - yes delay frame swaping - yes

ADVANCED idle skip Float ops gamehack use neon simd self-modifying code checks - off multi-threaded emulation

Rinnegatamante commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/flycast-vita-compatibility-list/issues/31