RinteRface / shinydashboardPlus

extensions for shinydashboard
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shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar : function arguments. #169

Open svenb78 opened 1 year ago

svenb78 commented 1 year ago


concerning the arguments of the boxSidebar function, there might be an issue.

The function looks like that:

function (..., id = NULL, width = 50, background = "#333a40", 
    startOpen = FALSE, icon = shiny::icon("cogs")) 
    stopifnot(width >= 25 && width <= 100)
    toolbarTag <- shiny::tags$button(id = id, `data-background` = background, 
        `data-width` = width, `data-widget` = "chat-pane-toggle", 
        `data-toggle` = "tooltip", `data-original-title` = "More", 
        `data-start-open` = tolower(startOpen), type = "button", 
    contentTag <- shiny::tags$div(style = "z-index: 1; height: inherit;", 
        class = "direct-chat-contacts", shiny::tags$ul(class = "contacts-list", 
    shiny::tagList(toolbarTag, contentTag)

I think, it is the contentTag that refers to the sidebar box element (-> opened box). So, why does the function's width argument refer to the toolbarTag?

In fact, in a simple app, I had no problems using boxSidebar. In the context of a more complex app based on golem, the width of the opened sidebar box was always 100%, no matter what I used as argument. Also changing the value for the background argument did not work. So, I inspected the HTML and found, that manipulating the style tag works: