RinteRface / shinydashboardPlus

extensions for shinydashboard
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sidebar's width & header's titlewidth not work for me #179

Open jhk0530 opened 1 year ago

jhk0530 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for nice package.

I want to change sidebar's width. so i tried change titleWidth value in dashboardHeader and dashboardSidebar.

However, they didn't work, so I have to manually implement css to change width.

Anyway here's description.

Both code returns same result which doesn't contain any information about given titleWidth value

shinydashboardPlus::dashboardHeader(titleWidth = 300)
shinydashboardPlus::dashboardHeader(titleWidth = 400)
<header class="main-header">
  <span class="logo hidden-xs"></span>
  <nav class="navbar navbar-static-top" role="navigation">
    <span style="display:none;">
      <i class="fas fa-bars" role="presentation" aria-label="bars icon"></i>
    <a href="#" class="sidebar-toggle" data-toggle="offcanvas" role="button">
      <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
    <div class="navbar-custom-menu" style="float: left; margin-left: 10px;">
      <ul class="nav navbar-nav"></ul>
    <div class="navbar-custom-menu">
      <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
          <a href="#" data-toggle="control-sidebar">
            <i class="fas fa-gears" role="presentation" aria-label="gears icon"></i>

Also these code returns, same result.

shinydashboardPlus::dashboardSidebar(width = 300)
shinydashboardPlus::dashboardSidebar(width = 400)
<aside id="sidebarCollapsed" class="main-sidebar" data-minified="true" data-collapsed="false">
  <section id="sidebarItemExpanded" class="sidebar"></section>

my package version is


Mkranj commented 1 year ago

If you're loading libraries like so:

library(shinydashboard) library(shinydashboardPlus) Try doing it like so:

library(shinydashboardPlus) library(shinydashboard)

Maybe NOT overwriting the older versions will help? It did for me, I had trouble with the box() function not accepting the height argument. Without an error, it just didn't do anything. And some other things were fixed this way...