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Control behavior updated #11

Closed wonkoderverstaendige closed 13 years ago

wonkoderverstaendige commented 13 years ago

Holding left mouse button down lets ant follow the cursor. This can/should be merged with the "movecam" flag and used generally for spraying odors, moving ant/camera and so on?

A quick single click after a double click now behaves like normal single click without accidentally digging somewhere.

PS: My first commit to anything. Ever. Did I break something?

Oipo commented 13 years ago

If you ask if you broke anything, that makes me cautious to merge :P

Regardless, it's good to see that someone is working on it again, but I'd really recommend only giving pull requests when you've got a tested chunk of code that adds a full feature(not partial ones). Perhaps though, other people have different ideas?

wonkoderverstaendige commented 13 years ago

Well, its my first time working on code with others, I don't know what I should do with my changes. So I'd try to change small things and wait for some feedback.

Oipo commented 13 years ago

It looks good! Though a bit small. Understandable though. since it's not your code.

If you have any troubles, do not hesitate to ask.

Oipo commented 13 years ago

It seems that this never got merged...what's still usable and what is not? And should we merge that? Is there still any interest by wonkoderverstaendige?

wonkoderverstaendige commented 13 years ago

This can be scrapped. I do not have time to participate right now and do not have an overview over the code. Minor changes, probably already fixed.