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Nest Transparency #12

Closed cgreer closed 13 years ago

cgreer commented 13 years ago

removed area outside the rim. Blurred the alpha mask so the edges seamlessly mix with tile background.

Oipo commented 13 years ago

This merge request is fine, but I prefer requests in bigger chunks.

cgreer commented 13 years ago

Yeah, honestly I was just seeing how it worked to familiarize myself with git. I still don't understand how multiple pull requests are merged if there are multiple changes by different people in the same file? How are conflicts dealt with if you have multiple pull requests? And shouldn't the requests be submitted immediately after you "finish" something to prevent conflicts (no matter the size)?

Oipo commented 13 years ago

Actually, if there's a conflict, the one pushing the commit is told what the conflicts are, and has to solve them him/herself. So making conflicts is not that bad.