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GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB is not supported by older graphics cards #2

Closed Rinum closed 13 years ago

Rinum commented 13 years ago

Older graphics card, specifically integrated graphics cards (Intel), don't support GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB

Rinum commented 13 years ago


Oipo commented 13 years ago

It works, but that means that the client can only load power of two textures. The GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB extension makes using NPOT textures possible.

To get the same for GL_TEXTURE_2D, you need to use gluScaleImage, to scale the image to POT, and then upload it to VRAM.

JeffreySmith commented 13 years ago

GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB won't work with osx since it doesn't have full support for opengl 3.

Oipo commented 13 years ago

One: GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB is opengl 1.1 Two: In case the card/OS does not support the extension(very unlikely but not impossible, as we already have a person who encountered this) we use GL_TEXTURE_2D with scaling, resolving the issue.

Therefore, I'm closing this issue, since it's fixed and a non-issue on osx.