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Error installing OpenGL on Windows #20

Closed Khedi closed 11 years ago

Khedi commented 13 years ago

When attempting to follow the Getting Started guide on the wiki, I run into trouble when I attempt to install openGL.

I downloaded the necessary programs shown by "Installing on Windows x86 (Python 2.7.1), substituting PyQt-Py2.7-x86-gpl-4.8.5-1 in place of PyQt 4.8.2-1 due to a dead link. I then installed them in the order they were listed.

Attempting to install OpenGL gives the error: Could not create key PyOpenGL-py2.7 This error is followed by another: Could not set key value Python 2.7 PyOpenGL-3.0.1 Then finally: Could not set key value "C:\Python27\RemovePyOpenGL.exe" -u "C:\Python27\PyOpenGL-wininst.log"

Oipo commented 12 years ago

You downloaded and tried installing http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyopengl/files/PyOpenGL/3.0.1/PyOpenGL-3.0.1.win32.exe/download

Right? And are you executing the installer with administration rights?

The pyqt thing should not cause any problems, so I'm not sure what it can be other than the two ideas listed here.

cgreer commented 12 years ago

Hey Khedi,

I just installed OpenAnt on my netbook (windows) yesterday and I got the same errors when installing openGL. The installer kept going, though, and the game runs fine.

If you do get the game to run, you can also install the glmod in windows by downloading and installing MinGW (GNU for Windows). You can also install Cygwin (Which is awesome and I just found out about it last night) which will allow you to run a bash terminal in windows and installs a lot of *unix software (including the gcc g++ compiler needed for glmod). I have no idea how Cygwin works.....as far as I'm concerned it's magic and it's awesome.