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To Devs: Please add features to tracker #8

Closed dustinanon closed 13 years ago

dustinanon commented 13 years ago

If you want some community programming help, please add issues for things that you would like to see done.

It's hard to for volunteers to know what should be worked on and is being worked on without the issue tracker being used. If you add a list of features that should be implemented, then we can fork, implement a feature, and submit a merge request to be included at your discretion.

There's no reason the project should die because your choice of programmers is currently busy. Let the community help!

Rinum commented 13 years ago

Where should we put the list of features? Should we create an issue for each required feature?

wonkoderverstaendige commented 13 years ago

How do Milestones work? Or maybe the wiki?

dustinanon commented 13 years ago

Sorry it took me a while to respond, it's been busy.

Usually what we do at work is just add a list of features one by one (as an issue) to our issue tracker and assign each them to a milestone (usually the last day of a scrum cycle, but we also have one that TBD).

I'm not particularly familiar with github, but when I get back from Hong Kong I'll take a look at how to do this.