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[BUG] /lol/match/v5/matches/{match_id} custom games with known match ID no longer obtainable #472

Open LukePeltier opened 3 years ago

LukePeltier commented 3 years ago

In the previous version, if you knew the custom match ID, you could call /lol/match/v4/matches/{matchId} and see the match details of a completed custom game (just like how it is visible on

in v5, this match id (prepended by the region code) now returns a 404

Example custom game: match id: 3833894399 404 Not Found full match details full match details

I use custom games for a personal match history website that a group of us use to track statistics in our games, but with these changes, I wont be able to get any details about the match through the api

heitorpilotto commented 3 years ago

I got the same issue here:

Full match details:

When using v5: - return 404 not found

Math history:

Building here for the same purpose with my group of friends.

ArjunBhushan commented 3 years ago

Bump if possible.

onpointbtw commented 3 years ago

I think this is intended, with the Match History Website also shutting down, Custom Games are meant to be private - except you provide OAuth Authorization.

Here is a link to the devtracker:

LukePeltier commented 3 years ago

Right, we just don't have the OAuth method for those games yet I don't believe. I was planning on leaving the ticket open until there was a way to get the data.

ajoscram commented 2 years ago

Anyone got any updates on this? Super bummed out because I built a Discord bot for keeping track of mine and my friends' custom match stats and do some AI stuff, but now it's impossible for me to obtain custom match data. Previously, I could record player identities with the spectator-v4 endpoint during the match, and then ask for the match stats via match-v4 once the game was done. Using those two pieces of info I was able to link player identities to their champions and get the complete match info and player stats. It was scrappy but it worked.

@RiotTuxedo (or anyone else for that matter): is it currently impossible to obtain custom match data? Other than the tournaments API, obviously. It would be very nice if we could just decide whether or not a custom game is public prior to starting the match, via the in-game UI.

iaace-NA commented 2 years ago

@ajoscram download the .rofl and parse the JSON header or exploit some LCU endpoint

ajoscram commented 2 years ago

@iaace-NA LCU endpoints I can't do because that would require running a program on a Client. If I were to play every single match myself that wouldn't be an issue (since I'd just record them myself), but that's not guaranteed. I also don't feel like a Discord bot should require you to run another program to work. .rofls on the other hand... that might just work, but I gotta look into them.

Both solutions are sorta hacky though, it would be nice to not have to circumvent systems to get custom match data if the match participants are willing to expose it.

Thanks for your input though!

Inopio commented 2 years ago

Hi, wondering if you guys found something ? I am still getting the 404...

geozukunft commented 2 years ago

They are not supposed to be optainable with match-v5

Ryo-higuchi commented 1 year ago

I am facing the same problem.I want to get a custom timeline, is there any way?

geozukunft commented 1 year ago

Support for custom games got removed with the release of match-v5. You could however get custom games through the LCU

Ryo-higuchi commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to use the LCU on another PC without the LoL client? If there is a way please let me know

thomasmarton commented 1 year ago

@Ryo-higuchi The current version LoL client is called the League Client Update (aka the LCU) therefor it's not possible to use the LCU without itself.

onpointbtw commented 1 year ago

Support for custom games got removed with the release of match-v5. You could however get custom games through the LCU

For anyone wondering:

The endpoint for this is "/lol-match-history/v1/games/" with the gameId being just the ID, not e.g. "EUW1_" The return from this endpoint still follows the old matchv4 schema
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RomainBenat commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone, I'm in a similar case with ajoscram but I'm trying to move on the LCU.

But I have trouble obtaining the data and the following endpoints return 404 codes:

Is the LCU stopped the use of those endpoints ? Anyone got some documentation that I could use ? Thanks for your help

geozukunft commented 1 year ago

The LCU is only supported on a do at your own risk for changes basis. Best way to get an answer is to join the 3rd party dev discord and ask in #lcu-dev

Resinderate commented 11 months ago

@ajoscram download the .rofl and parse the JSON header or exploit some LCU endpoint

I've been using the .rofl file approach here for a while, but looks like this data has been removed from .rofl files in patch 13.20 🙁

wilark1207 commented 7 months ago

I'm also facing the same problem, I want to develop a discord bot that keeps track of me and my friend's 1v1 stats. Any help would be appreciated!

xoxodlf commented 2 months ago

Could you let me know when you plan to resolve it?

geozukunft commented 2 months ago

This feature had been first talked about in February 2021 so don't get your hopes up high to see anything in the foreseeable future @xoxodlf