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[BUG] RSO blocks api calls with cloudflare error 1020 #650

Closed SidiaDevelopment closed 2 years ago

SidiaDevelopment commented 2 years ago

Bug Description
I am using the RSO Api for around a week now. The first server I deployed on immediately got blocked by cloudflare and I got some suggested solutions from other RSO developers like settings another user-agent and settings TLSv1.2 + ciphers, nothing helped. My requests done with the popular NodeJS library "axios" did not go through. A simple curl call from that same server did though.

Then I deployed to another server at another hosting provider, everything seemed fine. Out of the blue our application is getting error 1020 again now. From what I've read this is a firewall issue.

I just fire simple requests to the Riot RSO Api, up to 10 per minute, depending how many users are interacting with the application (A discord bot, that verifies users by linking them to their LoL Account), no custom headers apart from the api key and auth / bearer ones. Also as the hosting provider is the largest in europe I don't think their IP range should be on any blacklists.

Problem Description
I send a /token request to the RSO Api and the Api answers with a cloudflare 1020 error.

Expected Result
The Api should answer with a normal RSO /token result

Actual Result
I get a response with the data : "error code: 1020"

Developer Impact
Describe how this affects you as a developer. Please include the frequency and severity of the issue.

Player Impact
Describe how this affects League of Legends players. Please include the frequency and severity of the issue.

What conditions must be met in order for this bug to occur?

It does not need preconditions, just an RSO Api request

Repro Steps
Step by step, what do you need to do to cause the bug?

  1. Redirect user to RSO login page
  2. User gets redirected back to my application
  3. My application calls the /token url of the RSO Api
  4. My application gets the broken response.

This is also reproduceable with the demo RSO Application that I got when receiving RSO instructions, the only condition is to be deployed on one of my 2 servers.

trebonius0 commented 2 years ago

@RiotTuxedo I'm having the same issue. It started yesterday between 5pm and 8pm CET. Could you have a look ?

Token07 commented 2 years ago

Per this discord message, this issue should be resolved now.

lucasMesquitaBorges commented 2 years ago

We've made changes in the Cloudflare rules and the 1020 error shouldn't happen again for the RSO Authentication. Sorry for the inconvenience.