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[BUG] Perk sub style is zero for some players #724

Open lwansbrough opened 1 year ago

lwansbrough commented 1 year ago

Bug Description
Perk sub style is 0

Problem Description
A clear and concise description of what the problem is.

Expected Result
Perk sub style should be a valid style ID.

Actual Result
Perk sub style was 0.

Developer Impact
Unable to display perk style (essentially a null pointer)


Repro Steps
The relevant parts of the match data are included below. The last participant in the list has a perk sub style of 0.

    "metadata": {
        "dataVersion": "2",
        "matchId": "EUW1_6224412588",
        "participants": [
    "info": {
        "gameCreation": 1673261276075,
        "gameDuration": 971,
        "gameEndTimestamp": 1673262323031,
        "gameId": 6224412588,
        "gameMode": "ARAM",
        "gameName": "teambuilder-match-6224412588",
        "gameStartTimestamp": 1673261351509,
        "gameType": "MATCHED_GAME",
        "gameVersion": "12.23.483.5208",
        "mapId": 12,
        "participants": [
                "allInPings": 0,
                "assistMePings": 0,
                "assists": 23,
                "baitPings": 0,
                "baronKills": 0,
                "basicPings": 0,
                "bountyLevel": 2,
                "challenges": {
                    "12AssistStreakCount": 0,
                    "abilityUses": 95,
                    "acesBefore15Minutes": 5,
                    "alliedJungleMonsterKills": 0,
                    "baronTakedowns": 0,
                    "blastConeOppositeOpponentCount": 0,
                    "bountyGold": 0,
                    "buffsStolen": 0,
                    "completeSupportQuestInTime": 0,
                    "controlWardsPlaced": 0,
                    "damagePerMinute": 865.2049250956661,
                    "damageTakenOnTeamPercentage": 0.16707887889880774,
                    "dancedWithRiftHerald": 0,
                    "deathsByEnemyChamps": 10,
                    "dodgeSkillShotsSmallWindow": 6,
                    "doubleAces": 0,
                    "dragonTakedowns": 0,
                    "earlyLaningPhaseGoldExpAdvantage": 0,
                    "effectiveHealAndShielding": 0,
                    "elderDragonKillsWithOpposingSoul": 0,
                    "elderDragonMultikills": 0,
                    "enemyChampionImmobilizations": 19,
                    "enemyJungleMonsterKills": 0,
                    "epicMonsterKillsNearEnemyJungler": 0,
                    "epicMonsterKillsWithin30SecondsOfSpawn": 0,
                    "epicMonsterSteals": 0,
                    "epicMonsterStolenWithoutSmite": 0,
                    "flawlessAces": 1,
                    "fullTeamTakedown": 4,
                    "gameLength": 971.7034123818017,
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                    "goldPerMinute": 685.469454285282,
                    "hadOpenNexus": 0,
                    "immobilizeAndKillWithAlly": 6,
                    "initialBuffCount": 0,
                    "initialCrabCount": 0,
                    "jungleCsBefore10Minutes": 0,
                    "junglerTakedownsNearDamagedEpicMonster": 0,
                    "kTurretsDestroyedBeforePlatesFall": 1,
                    "kda": 3,
                    "killAfterHiddenWithAlly": 7,
                    "killParticipation": 0.5555555555555556,
                    "killedChampTookFullTeamDamageSurvived": 0,
                    "killsNearEnemyTurret": 1,
                    "killsOnOtherLanesEarlyJungleAsLaner": 0,
                    "killsOnRecentlyHealedByAramPack": 0,
                    "killsUnderOwnTurret": 0,
                    "killsWithHelpFromEpicMonster": 0,
                    "knockEnemyIntoTeamAndKill": 0,
                    "landSkillShotsEarlyGame": 0,
                    "laneMinionsFirst10Minutes": 12,
                    "laningPhaseGoldExpAdvantage": 0,
                    "legendaryCount": 0,
                    "lostAnInhibitor": 0,
                    "maxCsAdvantageOnLaneOpponent": 2,
                    "maxKillDeficit": 5,
                    "maxLevelLeadLaneOpponent": 2,
                    "moreEnemyJungleThanOpponent": 0,
                    "multiKillOneSpell": 0,
                    "multiTurretRiftHeraldCount": 0,
                    "multikills": 1,
                    "multikillsAfterAggressiveFlash": 0,
                    "mythicItemUsed": 6673,
                    "outerTurretExecutesBefore10Minutes": 0,
                    "outnumberedKills": 3,
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                    "perfectDragonSoulsTaken": 0,
                    "perfectGame": 0,
                    "pickKillWithAlly": 14,
                    "poroExplosions": 0,
                    "quickCleanse": 0,
                    "quickFirstTurret": 0,
                    "quickSoloKills": 0,
                    "riftHeraldTakedowns": 0,
                    "saveAllyFromDeath": 0,
                    "scuttleCrabKills": 0,
                    "shortestTimeToAceFromFirstTakedown": 16.97766540532774,
                    "skillshotsDodged": 33,
                    "skillshotsHit": 1,
                    "snowballsHit": 7,
                    "soloBaronKills": 0,
                    "soloKills": 0,
                    "stealthWardsPlaced": 0,
                    "survivedSingleDigitHpCount": 0,
                    "survivedThreeImmobilizesInFight": 0,
                    "takedownOnFirstTurret": 1,
                    "takedowns": 30,
                    "takedownsAfterGainingLevelAdvantage": 0,
                    "takedownsBeforeJungleMinionSpawn": 0,
                    "takedownsFirstXMinutes": 25,
                    "takedownsInAlcove": 0,
                    "takedownsInEnemyFountain": 0,
                    "teamBaronKills": 0,
                    "teamDamagePercentage": 0.12871073579142783,
                    "teamElderDragonKills": 0,
                    "teamRiftHeraldKills": 0,
                    "threeWardsOneSweeperCount": 0,
                    "tookLargeDamageSurvived": 0,
                    "turretPlatesTaken": 0,
                    "turretTakedowns": 4,
                    "turretsTakenWithRiftHerald": 0,
                    "twentyMinionsIn3SecondsCount": 1,
                    "unseenRecalls": 0,
                    "visionScoreAdvantageLaneOpponent": -1,
                    "visionScorePerMinute": 0,
                    "wardTakedowns": 0,
                    "wardTakedownsBefore20M": 0,
                    "wardsGuarded": 0
                "champExperience": 16552,
                "champLevel": 17,
                "championId": 777,
                "championName": "Yone",
                "championTransform": 0,
                "commandPings": 0,
                "consumablesPurchased": 2,
                "damageDealtToBuildings": 5910,
                "damageDealtToObjectives": 5910,
                "damageDealtToTurrets": 5910,
                "damageSelfMitigated": 18726,
                "dangerPings": 0,
                "deaths": 10,
                "detectorWardsPlaced": 0,
                "doubleKills": 1,
                "dragonKills": 0,
                "eligibleForProgression": true,
                "enemyMissingPings": 0,
                "enemyVisionPings": 0,
                "firstBloodAssist": false,
                "firstBloodKill": false,
                "firstTowerAssist": false,
                "firstTowerKill": false,
                "gameEndedInEarlySurrender": false,
                "gameEndedInSurrender": false,
                "getBackPings": 0,
                "goldEarned": 11101,
                "goldSpent": 8700,
                "holdPings": 0,
                "individualPosition": "Invalid",
                "inhibitorKills": 1,
                "inhibitorTakedowns": 1,
                "inhibitorsLost": 0,
                "item0": 6673,
                "item1": 3033,
                "item2": 3006,
                "item3": 1053,
                "item4": 1018,
                "item5": 0,
                "item6": 2052,
                "itemsPurchased": 18,
                "killingSprees": 2,
                "kills": 7,
                "lane": "NONE",
                "largestCriticalStrike": 490,
                "largestKillingSpree": 2,
                "largestMultiKill": 2,
                "longestTimeSpentLiving": 169,
                "magicDamageDealt": 11199,
                "magicDamageDealtToChampions": 3550,
                "magicDamageTaken": 7698,
                "needVisionPings": 0,
                "neutralMinionsKilled": 0,
                "nexusKills": 0,
                "nexusLost": 0,
                "nexusTakedowns": 1,
                "objectivesStolen": 0,
                "objectivesStolenAssists": 0,
                "onMyWayPings": 0,
                "participantId": 10,
                "pentaKills": 0,
                "perks": {
                    "statPerks": {
                        "defense": 5001,
                        "flex": 5008,
                        "offense": 5005
                    "styles": [
                            "description": "primaryStyle",
                            "selections": [
                                    "perk": 8005,
                                    "var1": 409,
                                    "var2": 294,
                                    "var3": 115
                                    "perk": 9111,
                                    "var1": 1099,
                                    "var2": 300,
                                    "var3": 0
                                    "perk": 9104,
                                    "var1": 9,
                                    "var2": 0,
                                    "var3": 0
                                    "perk": 8014,
                                    "var1": 398,
                                    "var2": 0,
                                    "var3": 0
                            "style": 8000
                            "description": "subStyle",
                            "selections": [
                                    "perk": 8233,
                                    "var1": 7,
                                    "var2": 20,
                                    "var3": 0
                                    "perk": 8236,
                                    "var1": 14,
                                    "var2": 0,
                                    "var3": 0
                            "style": 0
                "physicalDamageDealt": 34326,
                "physicalDamageDealtToChampions": 9476,
                "physicalDamageTaken": 12393,
                "profileIcon": 3466,
                "pushPings": 0,
                "puuid": "138hMylbus3F496-Mu4uIX3nOCRlNIpLcIMpJ-6hXKpToCN_T72tpjT3oMBTWqpuULVbGLgsX7Q-LQ",
                "quadraKills": 0,
                "riotIdName": "",
                "riotIdTagline": "",
                "role": "SUPPORT",
                "sightWardsBoughtInGame": 0,
                "spell1Casts": 44,
                "spell2Casts": 21,
                "spell3Casts": 24,
                "spell4Casts": 6,
                "summoner1Casts": 21,
                "summoner1Id": 32,
                "summoner2Casts": 2,
                "summoner2Id": 4,
                "summonerId": "C2iPRdFH5O5HEv0buG1bxrtEqC4e408T_rOomNzjjLNIcIE",
                "summonerLevel": 124,
                "summonerName": "UnrealTerminator",
                "teamEarlySurrendered": false,
                "teamId": 200,
                "teamPosition": "",
                "timeCCingOthers": 8,
                "timePlayed": 971,
                "totalDamageDealt": 46891,
                "totalDamageDealtToChampions": 14012,
                "totalDamageShieldedOnTeammates": 0,
                "totalDamageTaken": 21758,
                "totalHeal": 1655,
                "totalHealsOnTeammates": 0,
                "totalMinionsKilled": 31,
                "totalTimeCCDealt": 23,
                "totalTimeSpentDead": 258,
                "totalUnitsHealed": 1,
                "tripleKills": 0,
                "trueDamageDealt": 1365,
                "trueDamageDealtToChampions": 985,
                "trueDamageTaken": 1667,
                "turretKills": 1,
                "turretTakedowns": 4,
                "turretsLost": 1,
                "unrealKills": 0,
                "visionClearedPings": 0,
                "visionScore": 0,
                "visionWardsBoughtInGame": 0,
                "wardsKilled": 0,
                "wardsPlaced": 0,
                "win": true
        "platformId": "EUW1",
        "queueId": 450,
        "teams": [
                "bans": [],
                "objectives": {
                    "baron": {
                        "first": false,
                        "kills": 0
                    "champion": {
                        "first": false,
                        "kills": 41
                    "dragon": {
                        "first": false,
                        "kills": 0
                    "inhibitor": {
                        "first": false,
                        "kills": 0
                    "riftHerald": {
                        "first": false,
                        "kills": 0
                    "tower": {
                        "first": true,
                        "kills": 1
                "teamId": 100,
                "win": false
                "bans": [],
                "objectives": {
                    "baron": {
                        "first": false,
                        "kills": 0
                    "champion": {
                        "first": true,
                        "kills": 54
                    "dragon": {
                        "first": false,
                        "kills": 0
                    "inhibitor": {
                        "first": true,
                        "kills": 1
                    "riftHerald": {
                        "first": false,
                        "kills": 0
                    "tower": {
                        "first": false,
                        "kills": 4
                "teamId": 200,
                "win": true
        "tournamentCode": ""
geozukunft commented 1 year ago

Has this only occurred in a single game or do you have a bigger set of games affected by it?

lwansbrough commented 1 year ago

@geozukunft Ran a couple quick queries for you. Sampling just EUNE, we have 10086 match participants who have a 0 for their rune sub style in ARAM games. This is across 42109501 stored match participants for EUNE ARAM games.

I don't have a time period breakdown for you, all I can say is that it's still happening today.

ClaraSmyth commented 1 year ago

Just thought I would leave a comment here saying one of my own games had this bug and it was my own champion data that was bugged. It happened on a game where my internet cut out in the pregame and the game went through anyway and my runes got reset to one of the default rune pages. Might not be related but just thought I would mention it. The match id for that game is 'EUW1_6316245747'.