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[FEATURE REQUEST] A request to make player's account level available to fetch from the Valorant API #765

Closed Xant1234 closed 11 months ago

Xant1234 commented 1 year ago


my team and I are working on an application that uses RIOT's Valorant API. To bring our product to its full potential, we must be able to obtain player's account level from the API. Currently, there is no such data available. We need this data to make our anti-cheat system which will separate players who may be suspected of smurfing so as to ensure fairness for all our users.

Can we ask to add Valorant player's account level to the API? if yes, can you estimate the time needed to do so?

Thank you

Token07 commented 1 year ago

This doesn't sound like a supported use case for the Valorant API.

Xant1234 commented 1 year ago

What do you mean? I was redirected here from the Riot Games Third Party Developer Community Discord server when I asked where can I make a request to add more data to the Valorant API.

BlossomiShymae commented 1 year ago

make our anti-cheat system which will separate players who may be suspected of smurfing

I think Mister Token07 is referring to this~*.

You're totes allowed to make a feature request, but the use case you mentioned for the request isn't. please correct me if misunderstood, Token07...

Xant1234 commented 1 year ago

Ok I think it might have been wrongly understood - anti-cheat may be a bit too strong word. On our website, we are organizing free-to-enter and pay-to-enter challenges (casual e-sports competitions) in League of Legends and in Valorant. In order to protect these challenges from unfair users, we have implemented some restriction, so called "Join conditions". For example for LoL it is that the required account level is 100 in order to join a challenge. Thanks to this smurfs with newly created accounts are not able to join challenges. We want the exact same thing for our Valorant challenges. I do not see any reason why it would be something wrong to ask for, to be honest.

RiotTuxedo commented 1 year ago

First, ensure the developer relations team is aware you're running pay-to-enter challenges. Second, I'll look into adding account level to match details, it'll show the account level of a player before they started the match (so it'll always be one match behind) but it should be an easy way to expose this kind of data. I'll need to check with gameplay to ensure we're fine sharing this value, but short of that I'll see if I can get this added.

Edit: Also gj dev community on ensuring developers are staying within the guidelines for approved use-cases 👍

Xant1234 commented 1 year ago

Hi @RiotTuxedo

Thank you for your message and sorry for my late response as I was away last week.

We have been granted the green light to run pay-to-enter challenges in League of Legends and Valorant from the RIOT's developer relations team via the developer portal. Please let me know if you need proof so I can send you some screenshots of our messages.

Do you happen to have any updates on the account level of a player in VALORANT?

RiotTuxedo commented 1 year ago

It's going through product review now. Adding account level has implications for scouting and harassment that are being considered.

Xant1234 commented 1 year ago

Okay, thanks for the update! I hope the review will be successful :)

RiotTuxedo commented 11 months ago

The day has come! Account level is in the PlayerDto in the val-match-v1 response.