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[PLACEHOLDER] Tournament-V5 Bugs/Issues #828

Open tisbells opened 11 months ago

tisbells commented 11 months ago

Placeholder for any issues with Tournament-V5
For Tournament-V5 once live - Please reply to this issue with any technical problems or bugs with the new API.

Not getting callbacks?
Please message us with your callback url and relevant tournament code in app messaging

Pikeman commented 11 months ago

We're getting HTTP 500 errors from POST now. Our requests were successful in testing yesterday though.

tisbells commented 11 months ago

@Pikeman Should be fixed, could you please verify?

Pikeman commented 11 months ago

@Pikeman Should be fixed, could you please verify?

It works! Thanks for the quick fix.

Pikeman commented 11 months ago

We're getting null PUUID on LobbyEventV5DTO:

    "timestamp": "2023-10-12 01:14:35.0",
    "eventType": "PracticeGameCreatedEvent",
    "puuid": null
    "timestamp": "2023-10-12 01:14:56.0",
    "eventType": "PlayerJoinedGameEvent",
    "puuid": null
    "timestamp": "2023-10-12 01:15:04.0",
    "eventType": "PlayerJoinedGameEvent",
    "puuid": null
MakeevD commented 11 months ago

Hey there!

We are not receiving callbacks after the finished match. The same issue was with V4 API before, and we use an HTTP endpoint with a correct gTLD.

Could you please tell what can be an issue?

tisbells commented 11 months ago

Thanks for your patience, we're looking into the above issues and will get back to you soon.

tisbells commented 11 months ago

@Pikeman This should be resolved, please let us know if not. @MakeevD If you could send me your app ID thru Discord or message us in the app notes we'd appreciate it so we can look at the games you're not getting callbacks for. We're looking at callback issues in general, but seeing specific examples is very helpful.

ElijahKSmith commented 11 months ago

Hey there!

We are not receiving callbacks after the finished match. The same issue was with V4 API before, and we use an HTTP endpoint with a correct gTLD.

Could you please tell what can be an issue?

+1 on this. @tisbells I can also share the same info if it helps!

EDIT: Sent a friend request on Discord tisbells!

tisbells commented 11 months ago

For those experiencing callback issues - "Region" was unexpectedly swapped to "shardId" which may be causing errors for multi-region tournaments. This should be changed back to "Region" on our end early next week. Additionally, you will not receive a callback if the match did not finish to completion or to surrender.

seju-play-vs commented 11 months ago

For anyone else having problems, if there are any bots in the game, you won't get a callback.

tisbells commented 11 months ago

shardIdwas swapped back to region. Additionally, an issue was found that may have caused some errors for EUW tournaments and this has been fixed.

OllieJennings commented 11 months ago

@tisbells I had a few callback issues today, have sent you a request on discord, understand that the comment 6mins ago might be the reason, so will also test again tomorrow

DaBenjamins commented 10 months ago

When the callback is fixed would I need to redo my URL? its been down for months.

ElijahKSmith commented 10 months ago

When the callback is fixed would I need to redo my URL? its been down for months.

You've gotta create a new Provider for V5 if you haven't already

DaBenjamins commented 10 months ago

When the callback is fixed would I need to redo my URL? its been down for months.

You've gotta create a new Provider for V5 if you haven't already

Was that documented somewhere as a requirement, my old Provider and Tournament IDs kept working on V5

Update: If I try and get a new Provider ID, it just gives me the old one since its the same URL, so I dont see how to get a new ID

seju-play-vs commented 10 months ago

When the callback is fixed would I need to redo my URL? its been down for months.

You've gotta create a new Provider for V5 if you haven't already

@tisbells Is this true? I did not create a new provider, and our v5 code is working.

ElijahKSmith commented 10 months ago

When the callback is fixed would I need to redo my URL? its been down for months.

You've gotta create a new Provider for V5 if you haven't already

Was that documented somewhere as a requirement, my old Provider and Tournament IDs kept working on V5

Update: If I try and get a new Provider ID, it just gives me the old one since its the same URL, so I dont see how to get a new ID

Sorry I should've included more information in my original reply to explain why I said that. I meant to say that if it still wasn't working you should try to generate a new one. For my own providers I found that one provider when re-registered with the same information returned the same ID and worked the same, but on two other ones I got new IDs which were needed to make it work. Not sure why that's the case but I figured it might be worth checking.

tisbells commented 10 months ago

You should be able to use your original provider with V5.

DaBenjamins commented 10 months ago

You should be able to use your original provider with V5.

any new on when Callback will be working again?

tisbells commented 10 months ago

any new on when Callback will be working again?

@DaBenjamins If you are still experiencing callback issues after finishing a match to completion/surrender, please send us an app message in the developer portal with your callback URL and a recent tournament code.

tisbells commented 10 months ago

Reposting this here from - We now have a new endpoint for getting the PUUIDs for Tournaments!

This will provide the same payload of tournament callbacks + participant PUUIDs. You can also use this endpoint to check if the game was recorded and help debug callbacks. If the endpoint returns the game, it means a callback was attempted. Please let us know if any of you run into problems with this.

OllieJennings commented 9 months ago

@tisbells i noticed one thing, not sure if intentional or a bug, but when you request the tournament game by code, the metaData seems to be empty.

The server callback had correct metaData, and also requesting the tournamentDTO returns the correct metaData.

R0kiee commented 9 months ago

I dont know if it is how it's work, but im getting trouble to make a tournament (i dont need a web page to see my results (can i use localhost), im testing only to create little tournaments by myself) And you can see i got americas.api when i fill with EUW Captura de pantalla 2023-11-20 034010

Token07 commented 9 months ago

@R0kiee the tournament API is only deployed to americas. Any tournament created on americas is valid for the region set in the provider; This has always been how the tournament API works.

R0kiee commented 9 months ago

@R0kiee the tournament API is only deployed to americas. Any tournament created on americas is valid for the region set in the provider; This has always been how the tournament API works.

@Token07 And something about the other question??

Token07 commented 9 months ago

@R0kiee I don't believe the URL needs to be valid. It looks like your attempt to create a provider was successful so now you create a tournament using the providerId returned.

tisbells commented 9 months ago

@tisbells i noticed one thing, not sure if intentional or a bug, but when you request the tournament game by code, the metaData seems to be empty.

The server callback had correct metaData, and also requesting the tournamentDTO returns the correct metaData.

@OllieJennings Can you please provide a tournament code where you're seeing this?

R0kiee commented 9 months ago

@tisbells i noticed one thing, not sure if intentional or a bug, but when you request the tournament game by code, the metaData seems to be empty. The server callback had correct metaData, and also requesting the tournamentDTO returns the correct metaData.

@OllieJennings Can you please provide a tournament code where you're seeing this?

I dont have server callback (i use test on this field), i only want to test getting a tournament code, i dont know if it makes some issues

OllieJennings commented 9 months ago

@tisbells i noticed one thing, not sure if intentional or a bug, but when you request the tournament game by code, the metaData seems to be empty. The server callback had correct metaData, and also requesting the tournamentDTO returns the correct metaData.

@OllieJennings Can you please provide a tournament code where you're seeing this?

Yep, will send you via discord

mariandaniel24 commented 9 months ago

I can't seem to be able to whitelist puuid's when creating codes in tournament-v5, I'm passing an array to allowedParticipants, however other players (non-whitelisted) can still join the lobby. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Here's a sample payload I tried:

    "enoughPlayers": true,
    "mapType": "SUMMONERS_RIFT",
    "pickType": "TOURNAMENT_DRAFT",
    "spectatorType": "LOBBYONLY",
    "teamSize": 1,
    "allowedParticipants": [...some-puuids]
alpenhannes commented 8 months ago

Hey @tisbells, any update on the SEA servers that were introduced in January last year? We're still getting "invalid region" when setting up tournaments for the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Let me know if you have an ETA for this!

tisbells commented 8 months ago

Hey @tisbells, any update on the SEA servers that were introduced in January last year? We're still getting "invalid region" when setting up tournaments for the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Let me know if you have an ETA for this!

@alpenhannes Hey there, some work for adding these regions began in early December but wasn't able to be completed before the break. I'll see where the team left off and if there's an updated ETA.

LeonBirkel commented 7 months ago

Reposting this here from #833 - We now have a new endpoint for getting the PUUIDs for Tournaments!

This will provide the same payload of tournament callbacks + participant PUUIDs. You can also use this endpoint to check if the game was recorded and help debug callbacks. If the endpoint returns the game, it means a callback was attempted. Please let us know if any of you run into problems with this.

@tisbells I do not receive any callbacks since october, I looked to this thread to get everything working again. If I call this endpoint I sadly always get the repsonse: "You have been logged out!" Since yesterday, players also report that they cannot use the tournament codes anymore to join a match.

tisbells commented 7 months ago

@LeonBirkel please submit your callback URL, any recent tournament codes and details here -

We've received several reports about tournament codes bugging the client and this is currently under investigation. Will post here once we have answers.

mrmcnguyen commented 7 months ago

I was wondering why "CANNOT EXECUTE. THIS API ENDPOINT IS NOT AVAILABLE IN YOUR POLICY" is showing up when trying to use Tournament-V5? Any help would be much appreciated :)

bangingheads commented 7 months ago

I was wondering why "CANNOT EXECUTE. THIS API ENDPOINT IS NOT AVAILABLE IN YOUR POLICY" is showing up when trying to use Tournament-V5? Any help would be much appreciated :)

Tournament API requires a production application with tournament access specifically requested

mrmcnguyen commented 7 months ago

I was wondering why "CANNOT EXECUTE. THIS API ENDPOINT IS NOT AVAILABLE IN YOUR POLICY" is showing up when trying to use Tournament-V5? Any help would be much appreciated :)

Tournament API requires a production application with tournament access specifically requested

I see. In the mean time is Tournament Stubs an alternative? It seems to return a 500 - Internal Server Error

jonasdaniels commented 6 months ago

Hey @tisbells, any update on the SEA servers that were introduced in January last year? We're still getting "invalid region" when setting up tournaments for the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Let me know if you have an ETA for this!

@alpenhannes Hey there, some work for adding these regions began in early December but wasn't able to be completed before the break. I'll see where the team left off and if there's an updated ETA.

Hey @tisbells, any updated ETA on this?

tisbells commented 6 months ago

@jonasdaniels we'll be able to circle back to this once we've confirmed the issues with tournament codes (see issue 888) are resolved. I did remind the team of this request today so once we're squared away with the current issues they'll look at the timeline for adding these regions. Sorry I can't provide a more concrete ETA just yet

Pikeman commented 5 months ago

@tisbells what's the state of TournamentCodeParametersV5.allowedParticipants? We observe that the list is not in effect when players join with the tournament code, so the wrong game accounts can end up joining and playing the game.

tisbells commented 5 months ago

Hi - @Pikeman The team is aware of this issue and it will get fixed, but they are unfortunately unable to provide a timeline just yet. I'll follow up here once they have an update.

Also, the new SEA regions have been added and should now be available for use. This includes Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam

OllieJennings commented 2 months ago

@tisbells We just had a tournament where no tournament callback was received, is there any issues on them being sent?

iDanielWongi commented 2 months ago

@tisbells We just had a tournament where no tournament callback was received, is there any issues on them being sent?


Dallin-Cawley commented 2 months ago

Me as well. It doesn't look like there are even attempts. Here's my tournamentCode if it helps: NA04dcb-5f8bb55a-accc-488f-a3df-ceb07dc1d9b9

tisbells commented 1 month ago

Hey folks, sorry for the delayed response - The team who owns this service deployed a fix a couple of weeks ago, but I'll let them know there are still issue reports. I'll post back here once I have an update.

tisbells commented 1 month ago

The team isn't immediately seeing anything wrong - Could those experiencing this issue please send the following to our support site:

OllieJennings commented 1 month ago

@tisbells we have had around 5 recent tournaments where not a single code response is being sent from Riot, will send all of the details to Riot as stated above.

OllieJennings commented 1 month ago

@tisbells Okay so after raising a ticket the issue is fixed. Basically l had to create a new provider and use HTTPS this time. Now my CA has a cert newer than 2012, but it worked without any issue. So for others, you can use newer CA certs FYI.

tisbells commented 1 month ago

Yep, confirming we're being told that if you're having errors with HTTP, you should swap to HTTPS. We know our docs contradict this, but we're working with the folks on the tournament team right now to make sure we have all the right info and will get our docs updated as soon as we can!

OllieJennings commented 3 weeks ago

@tisbells I've raised a support ticket, but just mentioning here.

We are seeing quite a high number of "tournament code is invalid" errors, where simply recreating another code with the exact same parameters work.

We're seeing around 10%-15% of all codes created resulting in this.