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[DOCS][BUG] New queue ID `1710` "Arena" missing in `queues.json` (2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2?) #921

Closed MingweiSamuel closed 5 months ago

MingweiSamuel commented 5 months ago


Example match ID: JP1_444997552

  "info": {
    "endOfGameResult": "GameComplete",
    "gameCreation": 1714670766771,
    "gameDuration": 1508,
    "gameEndTimestamp": 1714672296364,
    "gameId": 444997552,
    "gameMode": "CHERRY",
    "gameName": "teambuilder-match-444997552",
    "gameStartTimestamp": 1714670787808,
    "gameType": "MATCHED_GAME",
    "gameVersion": "14.9.580.2108",
    "mapId": 30,
    "participants": ...,
    "platformId": "JP1",
    "queueId": 1710,
    "teams": ...,
    "tournamentCode": ""

According to queue 1710 is "Arena", I guess replacing 1700 (also "Arena")

MingweiSamuel commented 5 months ago

And I supposed 1700 should be marked deprecated in the notes?

DarkIntaqt commented 5 months ago

There are still games being played in 1700, it's not deprecated. Tbh, I haven't seen a single game with the queueId 1710, but it seems like you found one. QueueId 1700 game: EUW1_6926021322

MingweiSamuel commented 5 months ago

Hmm, interesting, I wonder if it depends on how many people you queue up with

geozukunft commented 5 months ago

I can't say from the top of my head which ids it was last year. But one id was basically for solo or duo queued and the other one was when people did a full lobby queue together

tisbells commented 5 months ago

Heyo, 1700 is the standard Arena queue, 1710 is for the 16 player lobby. We'll get the doc updated shortly.

tisbells commented 5 months ago

queues.json has been updated to include queue 1710