RipMeApp / ripme

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Developers: Requested Rippers up-for-grabs (meta-issue) #43

Open metaprime opened 6 years ago

metaprime commented 6 years ago

Issue by metaprime Tuesday Apr 25, 2017 at 07:45 GMT Originally opened as

Note: assume all links are NSFW

If you would like to develop a ripper which has been requested, please open an issue (to function as a work item) indicating that you've claimed a ripper and you're working on an implementation. Please link back to this issue (and 4pr0n#502 as an FYI) so that GitHub makes a link to the issue (work item) appear in this thread and 4pr0n#502.

I'm locking this conversation to ensure requests and general comments stay on 4pr0n#502. (It looks like link-backs won't appear on a locked issue, so I won't be able to lock this issue.)

To keep this issue focused, I will delete requests and non-dev-related comments (please use 4pr0n#502 for these).

Below is a list of rippers and functionality requested via 4pr0n#502 and 4pr0n#8 (this list is a work in progress -- I'm posting a thumbs-up reaction on any requests I have added to this list). Please assume all links are NSFW.

High priority (existing rippers: broken or missing functionality)

Everything else:

Pending sites + examples (from 4pr0n#8)

Enhancement requests (list from 4pr0n#8):

Acknowledged but defunct requests:

metaprime commented 6 years ago

Comment by Wiiplay123 Wednesday Apr 26, 2017 at 02:32 GMT

I've made a working implementation to fix deviantArt ripping and submitted a pull request, but I think it could be done better when someone has the time if they use org.json. Should I still make an issue even if I'm not likely to be able to continue to devote much time to it?

metaprime commented 6 years ago

Comment by metaprime Tuesday May 09, 2017 at 10:11 GMT

@Wiiplay123 I think there are plenty of issues already open to track the various DeviantArt problems. If you have a patch, please open a PR. If you don't think it's good enough, it won't work, or whatever, please make that clear in the pull request description. Maybe someone else will be able to pick up the work.

metaprime commented 6 years ago

Comment by Wiiplay123 Tuesday May 09, 2017 at 15:31 GMT

I opened a PR, turns out the modified ripper is even better than the original ripper, since it accounts for those annoying download redirects that redirect you back to the gallery page.

cyian-1756 commented 6 years ago

direct links

Shouldn't direct links get their own ripper rather than be implemented per site?

rautamiekka commented 6 years ago

What is the problem with DeviantArt/ ? It's just an ignorant User being clueless (no offence meant), and the ability to open archives is absolutely not dependent on the target site.

Not sure how to do it on NIX systems, particularly Linux although I know it's possible (I tested the method long time ago), but on Window$ you could just execute the archive to let the OS do the rest.

rautamiekka commented 6 years ago

Replied to DeviantArt/

rautamiekka commented 6 years ago

Replied/linked to DeviantArt/

metaprime commented 6 years ago

@cyian-1756 Good point. I think that should be true in general. But making the triggers play nicely with each other is another story. As long as we can detect a URL with an extension that indicates the filetype, you'd expect it to be doable. But web servers can do whatever they want and you get a lot of sites that have and that page is actually a text/html MIME type with an <img> tag for the real image. So, for some sites, it would need to be implemented separately.

metaprime commented 6 years ago

the ability to open archives is absolutely not dependent on the target site

@rautamiekka you make a good point -- I've closed 4pr0n/ripme#272

metaprime commented 6 years ago

I'm planning to take when I get a chance. Request:

gitlerat commented 5 years ago

Are there any news for If it should work - it does not any more :) kind regards

raizudesuyo commented 4 years ago

Is there somebody who is currently working on a tiktok ripper, I'm planning to work on it comment