RippleOSI / Ripple-Showcase-Stack-Project

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Addition of Multi-patient-view settings to the showcase: Patient Counts #31

Open PhilBarrett opened 5 years ago

PhilBarrett commented 5 years ago

As per react showcase, we need the ability to customise the MPV to show Counts/Dates for core headings.

This needs to be retrieving counts/dates info from the database.

kuvakina commented 5 years ago

Update from Bogdan:

Patient list changes:

The result on the video:

Date-Count in the table is from dummy data.

I upload results to Showcase-Devra, but I see some small required fixes. Tomorrow I'll do them and start work with other issues.

BogdanScherban commented 5 years ago

This issue has been done particularly: we can hide/show columns in the patient list:

But columns "Date" and "Count" use dummy data, because we don't have request on the server side to get this information.

When this method will be created, we should return to this issue and provide "Date" and "Count" with real data.

tony-shannon commented 5 years ago

@BogdanScherban and @DmitrySolyannik to discuss how the MulitPatient View counts can be updated/migrated to Qewd C MS version

tony-shannon commented 5 years ago

see this /counts API functionlity form earlier version

DmitrySolyannik commented 5 years ago

@tony-shannon this functionality already done in QEWD, so PulseTile can use it, route - api/patients/:patientId/counts

tony-shannon commented 5 years ago

@BogdanScherban to check first then if problems @DmitrySolyannik to check it please

BogdanScherban commented 5 years ago

@DmitrySolyannik @tony-shannon

I checked, api/patients/{id}/count work on the showcase-devra and locally.

This request works, but returned empty array.

Screenshot from 2019-06-07 16-04-01.png

Screenshot from 2019-06-07 16-04-11.png

tony-shannon commented 5 years ago

ok thanks, @DmitrySolyannik to investigate the empty array and EtherCIS response please

kuvakina commented 5 years ago

from Skype:

from Dima Hello Ian, could you please check "counts" heading if you have free time, for some reason I am getting empty result Here is my request: {"url":"","method":"GET","qs":{"aql":"select e/ehr_id/value as ehrId, a/context/other_context[at0001]/items[at0005]/value/magnitude as diagnosesCount, a/context/other_context[at0001]/items[at0008]/value/value as diagnosesDate, a/context/other_context[at0001]/items[at0002]/value/magnitude as ordersCount, a/context/other_context[at0001]/items[at0006]/value/value as ordersDate, a/context/other_context[at0001]/items[at0004]/value/magnitude as resultsCount, a/context/other_context[at0001]/items[at0009]/value/value as resultsDate, a/context/other_context[at0001]/items[at0003]/value/magnitude as vitalsCount, a/context/other_context[at0001]/items[at0007]/value/value as vitalsDate from EHR e contains COMPOSITION a[openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.ripple_cache.v1] where e/ehr_id/value = 'e52cad4a-9a2f-4e82-b94a-3c0889beb347' "},"headers":{"Ehr-Session":"sessionId:"}}

Probably aql out of date?

from Ian Hi Dima - the counts heading is not supported in Ethercis

from Tony thanks Ian, what part of the openEHR spec is that related to? ie is there a related issue in EtherCIS if that is part of the openEHR spec that needs adding at some point.. or what interim work around can u suggest?

from Ian Tony Shannon - no simple workaround for now, other than faking it!! The problem is that this is actually a very complex ask, which requires multiple queries to bve run under the hood then substantially manipulated. We did this using Marand as this has a pre/post AQL custom server-side processing utility. That could be something that Rob could very usefully emulate but not trivial. The alternative is to ask Christian if he can meet the requirement directly via SQL.

from Tony ok thanks Ian.. & what about the openEHR spec aspect to this, assume its out of spec then

from Ian not part of the spec - arguably should be

from Tony certainly should be from a PopH perspective, is it in the backlog?

from Ian no

from Tony As Y&H want to use openEHR for Pop H we'll need to revisit that then,


@tony-shannon @PhilBarrett so to assume, EtherCIS doesn't have count field. What should be the next step for this task? Should we ask Christian or Ian to add this field?

PhilBarrett commented 5 years ago

@DmitrySolyannik to mock up dummy counts API for 5/8 clean records

kuvakina commented 5 years ago

@tony-shannon @PhilBarrett

We checked how Counts are working on dev.r.f. and showcase.r.f., but we noticed that they return empty array. You can see it in the video:

Could we have help from @robtweed re what should be in response for Counts?

PhilBarrett commented 5 years ago

Can we confirm this is using dummy counts data for now please before we close off. @BogdanScherban

kuvakina commented 5 years ago


Yes, we generate a random number at the client side