RippleOSI / Ripple-Showcase-Stack-Project

repo for Showcase Stack (PulseTile+ QEWDjs + EtherCIS) - Project issues
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Emergency summary view #57

Open PhilBarrett opened 5 years ago

PhilBarrett commented 5 years ago

Mock up required please on how we could go from the MPV search results to an emergency summary view, consisting of

Diagnosis Medications Allergies Vital Signs graph

simongamester commented 5 years ago

A couple of questions on this:

  1. Should the emergency summary exist within the the right hand panel on MPV or are adding a button in MVP to take the user straight to the Emergency Summary section with the patient record?

  2. What fields within the items you've listed should we be showing in the Emergency View?



PhilBarrett commented 5 years ago

Can we see how both would look please. In terms of the fields, I'd suggest taking the summary view information for last 5 entries and the chart view for vitals. from there, again you can drill into the detail, taking you into that heading.

simongamester commented 5 years ago

@PhilBarrett I've added an emergency view into the Showcase InVision project for reference. This summarises the top 5 records for each section with an option to 'Show All' if the list is truncated.

If we were to move this into the Single Patient View, there would be overlap with the Patient Summary screen, so not sure if there would be benefits of having it in there.

Let me know your thoughts.

BogdanScherban commented 5 years ago

@tony-shannon @PhilBarrett

I have few questions about this issue:

1) As I understand correctly, I should add Emergency Summary expanded panel instead of System Information?

2) What should View button (in Emergency Summary panel) do? Redirect to SPV via Patient Access Disclaimer?

3) What should Show All do? Open total list or redirect to Allergies/Medications page?

4) Could we create one single request to the server side, to get following info:

Something like: /api/patients/{patientID}/emergencySummary

WHY? We already have requests, which can return all this information: /api/patients/{patientID}/allergies /api/patients/{patientID}/medications /api/patients/{patientID}/problems /api/patients/{patientID}/vitals

But imagine, what will be if we have 10 patients at page? Let's calculate, how many requests should we run for MPV?

patients list getting (/mpi/Patients?name=tweed) - 1 count (/api/patients/{ID}/count) - 10 (for 10 patients) allergies - 10 medications - 10 problems - 10 vitals - 10

So, we should create 51 (!!!!!) requests for the MPV with 10 persons!!!

For this reason I suggest one common request like:


With responce like:

    allergies: [ 'cats', 'nuts', 'dogs', 'milk' ],
    medications: [...],
    problems: [....],
    vitals: [
                  diastolicBP: 95,
                  systolicBP: 97,
                  heartRate: 92,
                  temperature: 37,
PhilBarrett commented 5 years ago

Please refer to this for the agreed Emergency summary view

And toggle between different views

re questions raised

1 Where can we get patient photo (and which format) - see #48 2 Where can we get weight & BMI - please put dummy info in for now, I'll find the template to use 3 As I understand correctly, colour of Weight and BMI diagram should changed depends on value? In this case I should know principle of colour definition

Yellow - Less than 18.5 = Underweight Green - Between 18.5 - 24.9 = Healthy Weight Amber- Between 25 - 29.9 = Overweight Red - Over 30 = Obese

Also please see for how these work if not familiar

4 Oxygen Saturation, Blood Pressure, Systolic and Diastolic pressure - from the latest Vitals? Yes please 5 What is "Lab results"? Is it "Test Results" from the old Showcase? - Yes 6 Should we create Events and Lab Results plugins before we start new SPV? please create placeholders on the SPV then tackle these, I'll create separate issues