RippleOSI / Ripple-Showcase-Stack-Project

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clearing down test data from YottaDB #59

Open tony-shannon opened 5 years ago

tony-shannon commented 5 years ago

for test data that we store for Clinical Statements Drawings etc we need to be able to prune the GTM> YottaDB> DB by clearing globals

Need a few lines of instructions from @robtweed on how to do this safely

robtweed commented 5 years ago

SSH onto Type GTM followed by the Enter key and you'll get the GT.M shell prompt: (GT.M is the forerunner to YottaDB and is what was used on dev and showcase - it's basically the same database as YottaDB)


To clear down data you delete the Global (in effect the document name) containing it, using the kill command.

The Globals used are as follows:

So, for example:

GTM> kill ^ripplePictures

To reset the NHS Number <=> OpenEHR Id mapping cache, you need to delete 2 Globals:

^rippleEhrIdMap ^rippleNHSNoMap

To exit the GTM shell:

GTM> h (followed by the Enter key)

and you'll return to the SSH prompt

Note - killing a Global is instantaneous, final and permanent, without any ability to recover the data. BE VERY CAREFUL!!!!!