RippleOSI / Ripple-Showcase-Stack-Project

repo for Showcase Stack (PulseTile+ QEWDjs + EtherCIS) - Project issues
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Vitals not displaying correctly #87

Open PhilBarrett opened 5 years ago

PhilBarrett commented 5 years ago

When I create a new entry,

The dates displayed are also defaulting to todays date

Screen Shot 2019-06-25 at 17.25.02.png(

Screen Shot 2019-06-25 at 17.25.48.png

PhilBarrett commented 5 years ago

@BogdanScherban please can you update here

BogdanScherban commented 4 years ago

@tony-shannon @PhilBarrett

The problem has following reason. Server response doesn't include number of Vital. For this reason I add Vital number dynamically, when I parse response:

It works correctly, when we display the list of the Vitals: Screenshot from 2019-07-17 11-31-58

But when we click on the row, program runs request of Details for current Vital. Number of Vital is absent in response: Screenshot from 2019-07-17 11-33-59

When I parse server response, I don't know number of current Vital. For this reason I can't add it dynamically.

@DmitrySolyannik For this reason I ask add number of Vital to response of request: /api/patients/{patientId}/vitalsigns/{sourceId}

BogdanScherban commented 4 years ago

@tony-shannon @PhilBarrett This issue was solved:

PhilBarrett commented 4 years ago

Hi @BogdanScherban please can you retest this creating a new entry. the table isn't automatically updated still. I have to click on a different view and return to the chart view for it to refresh.

kuvakina commented 4 years ago

@tony-shannon @PhilBarrett

Tested the changes on Showcase-devra. Vitals working correctly:

- when you click on old record


- when you create new record


- dates show the date of creation, and NOT change them on today's date


You can see the video: