RiptideNetworking / Riptide

Lightweight C# networking solution for multiplayer games.
MIT License
1.06k stars 141 forks source link

Character Selection Info #107

Closed NightfoxGames closed 11 months ago

NightfoxGames commented 11 months ago

Hey, I want to create a character select menu for my game and have the idea set up, But I have no idea if it's even possible since you have 1 player prefab. Is there any side effect to changing the 1 "normal" player prefab to an array of multiple?

tom-weiland commented 11 months ago

Is there any side effect to changing the 1 "normal" player prefab to an array of multiple?

No, that's not directly Riptide- or networking-related, so the only side effects you'll experience are those you cause yourself, such as forgetting to ensure the same prefab is spawned on all clients or not including the necessary networking stuff on all prefabs.

If you have any other questions of this nature, please join the Discord server and ask there, and reserve GitHub issues for when you actually run into an issue with the library itself (not your own code).