Closed tzachar closed 4 years ago
I identified the bug maybe. But let me just ensure if you are asking same thing. If there are 2 splits open and I called goto definition in second split instead of first so after selecting option it opens the definition in first split instead of second. Is this the bug you are talking about. If not please attach the gif. Till then I am labelling the issue as bug.
Attaching a GIF. Pressing
Ok, after digging some more it looks like one of my settings interferes with this plugin. Investigating further.
I just checked with my configurations, when I have selected some option and I press enter(
ok, found the problem. its a strange one.
I have the following defined:
nnoremap ; :
nnoremap : ;
vnoremap ; :
vnoremap : ;
if I comment the "nnoremap : ; " everything works as expected. I have no idea why.
Ok I will need to check it out. Because it's strange. In plugin, I have not mapped ';' or ':' to something or even anything related to that. This is an unexpected behaviour and hence surely needs to be fixed. Thanks for reporting.
I wonder if you can replicate by defining the same mappings?
Yes I was able to replicate it. It has same behaviour. Somehow not only \<CR> also \<ESC> is not working. That means the mappings are not being set maybe or those functions are failing.
Very strange. Maybe you are sending commands using emulated keypresses?
I am using vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap() lua function for setting keymaps. That should work fine I guess. I used \<cmd> for emulating for command line mode instead of ':' . However, it doesn't seem to work well.
Try updating the plugins(popfix and nvim-lsputils). It should work properly. I mistakenly used ':' instead of \<cmd> in one line (contradicting my above comment also😅). That was causing the bug.
Yeah. Work flawlessly now. 10x.
Glad it works. Thanks for reporting. Closing issue then. Any other issue/request please report it.
This is more a request than an issue. Is it possible, when inside the preview windows (for example in References), to jump to the currently displayed file in the main windows? Something which resembles a quickfix list.