Rishikant181 / Rettiwt-API

A CLI tool and an API for fetching data from Twitter for free!
MIT License
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Count on timeline or replies dosen't work #398

Closed Hrodvitnir-Fenrir closed 7 months ago

Hrodvitnir-Fenrir commented 7 months ago

I have done something like that :

rettiwt.user.timeline("120118721", 5).then(timeline => {
}).catch(err => {

But that return me 20 tweet in the list, when a account have pinned tweet that return 23, Thats not a big issue, just a feature that dosen't work

Sorry for my bad english

Rishikant181 commented 7 months ago

Are you perhaps using it without logging in?

Hrodvitnir-Fenrir commented 7 months ago

Yeah i have a const rettiwt = new Rettiwt({ apiKey: xxx }); just before

But my bad i don't have seen this closed this issue : https://github.com/Rishikant181/Rettiwt-API/issues/381

Hrodvitnir-Fenrir commented 7 months ago

Oh and another ask, sorry if i not verry in the good ticket but, so there is no way to know if a tweet is pinned when we do a rettiwt.user.timeline() ?

Or for this we need absolutly to before get rettiwt.user.details() for get the pinned and filter it when we get the timeline ? and so make 2 requests ?

Rishikant181 commented 7 months ago

But my bad i don't have seen this closed this issue : https://github.com/Rishikant181/Rettiwt-API/issues/381

Yeah, it is as it is. Without a cursor, you are basically forced to fetch the max 20 tweets. Sucks tbh

Rishikant181 commented 7 months ago

Oh and another ask, sorry if i not verry in the good ticket but, so there is no way to know if a tweet is pinned when we do a rettiwt.user.timeline() ?

Although it's possible to implement this feature, but it has not been implemented yet, so I fear you might have to check beforehand.

Hrodvitnir-Fenrir commented 7 months ago

alright thx a lot !