Rishikant181 / Rettiwt-API

A CLI tool and an API for fetching data from Twitter for free!
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Error initializing Tweet, reading 'created_at' #443

Closed smaldd14 closed 4 months ago

smaldd14 commented 5 months ago

Hey, thanks for the new updates and development time put into this project.

I'm running into an exception that looks like this:

⚠  functions: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'created_at')
at new Tweet (/path/to/node_modules/rettiwt-api/dist/models/data/Tweet.js:24:39)

It looks like it is failing on the line this.createdAt = tweet.legacy.created_at;

I am using this call to search:

const sinceDate = new Date();
 sinceDate.setDate(oneDayAgo.getDate() - 1);
const tweets = await rettiwt.tweet.search({
      fromUsers: ["elonmusk"],
      startDate: sinceDate,

If it helps, I am doing some slight manipulation to the tweet's fullText and printing it out:

  tweet: {"id":"1752052871124623515","createdAt":"Mon Jan 29 19:35:30 +0000 2024","tweetBy":{"id":"44196397","userName":"elonmusk","fullName":"Elon Musk","createdAt":"Tue Jun 02 20:12:29 +0000 2009","description":"(CTO) Chief Troll Officer","isVerified":false,"favouritesCount":40880,"followersCount":170556912,"followingsCount":523,"statusesCount":36852,"location":"Trōllheim","profileBanner":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/44196397/1690621312","profileImage":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1683325380441128960/yRsRRjGO_normal.jpg"},"entities":{"hashtags":[],"urls":[],"mentionedUsers":["RepThomasMassie"]},"fullText":"@RepThomasMassie: Is there anyone you don’t want to bomb?.\nelonmusk: @RepThomasMassie 🎯.","replyTo":"1752045649875304689","lang":"qme","quoteCount":5,"replyCount":73,"retweetCount":55,"likeCount":648,"viewCount":7673,"bookmarkCount":9}
smaldd14 commented 5 months ago

This is no longer happening for me... I was seeing strange behavior with TOO_MANY_REQUESTS errors around the same time too.

Not sure what happened, but this seems to be fixed now

Rishikant181 commented 5 months ago

Still, I'm gonna take a look at it, just in case.

smaldd14 commented 5 months ago

@Rishikant181 Thanks. I'm seeing the error occuring again. This time searching for username "arvidkahl" and since the last day.

I think it could be happening with the call to get details of a replyTo or quoted tweet. The error seems to be occuring around this line: await rettiwt.tweet.details(tweet.replyTo);

If it helps, here's the entire code snippet:

export async function getTweetsByUser(username: string, sinceDate: Date): Promise<Tweet[]> {
    const tweets = await rettiwt.tweet.search({
        fromUsers: [username],
        startDate: sinceDate,

    let userTweets: Tweet[] = tweets.list //.filter((tweet) => !tweet.replyTo);
    const tweetPromises = userTweets.map(async (tweet) => {
      try {
        if (!!tweet.quoted || tweet.fullText.startsWith('RT') || tweet.fullText.startsWith('QT')) {
          const quotedTweet = await rettiwt.tweet.details(tweet.quoted);
          tweet.fullText = '@' + quotedTweet.tweetBy.userName + ': ' + quotedTweet.fullText + '\n@' + tweet.tweetBy.userName +': ' + tweet.fullText;
        } else if (!!tweet.replyTo) {
          const replyToTweet = await rettiwt.tweet.details(tweet.replyTo);
          tweet.fullText = '@' + replyToTweet.tweetBy.userName + ': ' + replyToTweet.fullText + '\n@' + tweet.tweetBy.userName +': ' + tweet.fullText;
        } else {
          tweet.fullText = '@' + tweet.tweetBy.userName + ': ' + tweet.fullText;
        return tweet;
    userTweets = await Promise.all(tweetPromises);

    return userTweets;

I've dug deeper and found the tweet that seems to be causing the error and I printed it out. This is what it seems to be failing on:

error parsing tweet data: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'created_at')
tweet: {"id":"1752089833097334989","createdAt":"Mon Jan 29 22:02:23 +0000 2024","tweetBy":{"id":"343990983","userName":"arvidkahl","fullName":"Arvid Kahl","createdAt":"Thu Jul 28 11:30:56 +0000 2011","description":"Building https://t.co/B1R2YOxw9F in Public. Raising all the boats with kindness.\n\n🎙️ https://t.co/6w69DZmi8H · ✍️ https://t.co/lpnor5rsTW · 🗞️ https://t.co/dY99qs7qHQ · 📚 https://t.co/cHkXgWNeCT","isVerified":false,"favouritesCount":141943,"followersCount":133521,"followingsCount":17414,"statusesCount":74379,"location":"Ontario, Canada","pinnedTweet":"1743639220206391414","profileBanner":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/343990983/1683397562","profileImage":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1201525049766883328/QPimCC9z_normal.jpg"},"entities":{"hashtags":[],"urls":[],"mentionedUsers":[]},"fullText":"Oh, and: please retweet this. If you can get just a handful of founders to think about calling, you’re already doing massive work.","replyTo":"1752084354455539768","lang":"en","quoteCount":0,"replyCount":1,"retweetCount":0,"likeCount":0,"viewCount":1388,"bookmarkCount":0}
Rishikant181 commented 5 months ago


Rishikant181 commented 5 months ago

Can you post the output with logging on? That way I can see exactly at when step and on which data the error is thrown.

smaldd14 commented 5 months ago

@Rishikant181 Ah, I'm having trouble reproducing it again, so I do not have the full stack trace.

I can tell you that the exception was thrown at node_modules/rettiwt-api/dist/models/data/Tweet.js line 24 it's during the Tweet ctor where this.createdAt = tweet.legacy.created_at;

Also, remembering the stack trace, I believe that function was called from node_modules/rettiwt-api/dist/services/internal/FetcherService.js line 255 during FetcherService.prototype.deserializeData

// If the item is a valid raw tweet
            if (item && item.__typename == 'Tweet' && item.rest_id) {
                // Logging
                this.logger.log(Logging_1.ELogActions.DESERIALIZE, { type: item.__typename, id: item.rest_id });
                // Adding deserialized Tweet to list
                deserializedList.push(new Tweet_1.Tweet(item));

during this condition

Rishikant181 commented 5 months ago

Does this issue still occur?

smaldd14 commented 5 months ago

It is finicky. Sometimes it occurs, sometimes it does not. Not sure if you want to leave the issue open in case anyone else runs into it, but as a "workaround" (not really, but a way to keep moving) I just wrapped the code giving me a problem in a try/catch and log the error. This might not be a sufficient work around for some, but I don't necessarily care about each and every tweet given back, so it worked for me.


let userTweets: Tweet[] = tweets.list;
const tweetPromises = userTweets.map(async (tweet) => {
      try {
        if (!!tweet.quoted || tweet.fullText.startsWith('RT') || tweet.fullText.startsWith('QT')) {
          const quotedTweet = await rettiwt.tweet.details(tweet.quoted);
          tweet.fullText = '@' + quotedTweet.tweetBy.userName + ': ' + quotedTweet.fullText + '\n@' + tweet.tweetBy.userName +': ' + tweet.fullText;
        } else if (!!tweet.replyTo) {
          const replyToTweet = await rettiwt.tweet.details(tweet.replyTo);
          tweet.fullText = '@' + replyToTweet.tweetBy.userName + ': ' + replyToTweet.fullText + '\n@' + tweet.tweetBy.userName +': ' + tweet.fullText;
        } else {
          tweet.fullText = '@' + tweet.tweetBy.userName + ': ' + tweet.fullText;
        return tweet;
     } catch (error) {
        return null;
// filter out nulls
userTweets = (await Promise.all(tweetPromises)).filter((tweet): tweet is Tweet => tweet !== null);