Closed Pvvv closed 6 months ago
Any specific tweet which raised the issue?
Any specific tweet which raised the issue?
Strange, I retweeted the given tweet and then immediately fetched my timeline, and the retweet shows up.
Are you using the library with an api key?
Strange, I retweeted the given tweet and then immediately fetched my timeline, and the retweet shows up.
Are you using the library with an api key?
yes use api key , I have reposted this my id is "1464844738197168130" and my userName is "kelimacha1", you can use UserService.timeline(id) method with my id, then you will find the result don't have that tweet
It's being returned on your result. In the returned list of tweets, it's the Tweet at index 1. The Tweet at index 0 is always the pinned tweet. Therefore, for users who have a pinned tweet, the 1st list item the pinned tweet, followed by the rest of the timeline tweets. See remarks of user.timeline
It's being returned on your result. In the returned list of tweets, it's the Tweet at index 1. The Tweet at index 0 is always the pinned tweet. Therefore, for users who have a pinned tweet, the 1st list item the pinned tweet, followed by the rest of the timeline tweets. See remarks of
I have reposted this tweet, and the user.timeline method i called, but I didn't find it in the timeline, as shown below my tweet is "" and my tweet id is "1464844738197168130" , you can use user.timeline('1464844738197168130') too, you will find that it does not exist. Finally, thank you very much for your help
I'm getting your retweet as expected, it's location is at index 1 too.
I'm getting your retweet as expected, it's location is at index 1 too.
I think it's a problem with my Twitter account. I'll change my account and try again. Thank you very much for your help.
I used my own Twitter account to repost the following user’s tweets, and I called the UserService.timeline(id) method with my id, The tweet information cannot be obtained through the UserService.timeline(id) method, but User.statusesCount has increased