Rishikant181 / Rettiwt-API

A CLI tool and an API for fetching data from Twitter for free!
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Missing Tweet Details When Using Guest Authentication with Proxy for some tweet #543

Closed Czalewsk closed 1 month ago

Czalewsk commented 1 month ago

I am using the library in a Node project with a proxy and guest authentication. It works perfectly, but for some tweets, details are not returned.


Here are the logs for one of the tweets:

[Rettiwt-API] [2024-05-22T14:52:48.403Z] [REQUEST] {"resource":"TWEET_DETAILS","args":{"id":"1793242970629738633"}}
[Rettiwt-API] [2024-05-22T14:52:48.403Z] [AUTHORIZATION] {"authenticated":false}
[Rettiwt-API] [2024-05-22T14:52:48.403Z] [VALIDATE] {"target":"FETCH_ARGS"}
[Rettiwt-API] [2024-05-22T14:52:48.404Z] [GET] {"target":"HTTPS_PROXY_AGENT"}
[Rettiwt-API] [2024-05-22T14:52:48.404Z] [GET] {"target":"NEW_GUEST_CREDENTIAL"}
[Rettiwt-API] [2024-05-22T14:52:50.115Z] [EXTRACT] {"resource":"TWEET_DETAILS"}
tweet is undefined

And for another tweet:

[Rettiwt-API] [2024-05-22T15:02:29.599Z] [REQUEST] {"resource":"TWEET_DETAILS","args":{"id":"1793021505728581675"}}
[Rettiwt-API] [2024-05-22T15:02:29.599Z] [AUTHORIZATION] {"authenticated":false}
[Rettiwt-API] [2024-05-22T15:02:29.599Z] [VALIDATE] {"target":"FETCH_ARGS"}
[Rettiwt-API] [2024-05-22T15:02:29.600Z] [GET] {"target":"HTTPS_PROXY_AGENT"}
[Rettiwt-API] [2024-05-22T15:02:29.600Z] [GET] {"target":"NEW_GUEST_CREDENTIAL"}
[Rettiwt-API] [2024-05-22T15:02:31.674Z] [EXTRACT] {"resource":"TWEET_DETAILS"}
tweet is undefined

Could you please help me identify why the tweet details are not being returned and how to fix this issue?

Rishikant181 commented 1 month ago

For some reason, the raw details of the tweet you provided is structured differently than other.

I'm actively investigating it.

Rishikant181 commented 1 month ago

Just checked it, the issue is that the given tweet is missing a field caled __typename which is used to filter out the target tweet from the raw response. As for why it's missing, I'm still checking.

Rishikant181 commented 1 month ago

@Czalewsk Issue has been fixed. Please update to v3.0.1