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Research: The Graph alternatives #131

Open mz7mz7mz7 opened 1 year ago

mz7mz7mz7 commented 1 year ago

The Graph was a long industry standard for indexing and querying blockchain events. On my last project, I observed it was getting slower and slower (in terms of when the event is queriable by the API after it was mined in the block). Let's research if there are any better alternatives.

Some I heard of:

  1. https://thegraph.com - The Graph itself
  2. https://goldsky.com/products/index
  3. https://www.covalenthq.com
  4. https://www.satsuma.xyz
  5. (Feel free to find other relevant and worth looking)

Some of the criteria interested us:

  1. How do you define what should be indexed (ideally, Subgraph from TheGraph)?
  2. Price
  3. Speed of delivering indexed data after the block was mined in the blockchain.
  4. Is it possible to run our own indexing/API node? What does it take?

Ideally, let's build the simplest proof of concepts for each tool to experience them hands-on.

haidarally commented 1 year ago

Research : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/126e6o8myqvhhcbyOiZWNDjcHJqEGi3vR46vHOxgXvFA/edit#gid=0 POC: https://github.com/RiskProtocol/indexing_poc

mz7mz7mz7 commented 1 year ago

One more alternative I came across https://chainstack.com/subgraphs/