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Research & PoC: Can gaslessness be used to batch two operations: 0x approve ERC-20 + trade execution on 0x ? #28

Open mz7mz7mz7 opened 1 year ago

mz7mz7mz7 commented 1 year ago
  1. within Biconomy
  2. within openGSN

It seems https://docs.0x.org/tx-relay-api/introduction is resolving exactly this issue.

Tunji17 commented 1 year ago

Running into GelatoRelay.sponsoredCall:ERC20Permit: invalid signature errors when trying to call depositWithPermit function, I reached out to the team and they confirmed it need further debugging,


I use the exact same signature and it works calling the function directly on remix so will put this on hold for now.