I am trying to install the dependencies into a conda environment as I do not have install permissions on my system. However, anaconda finds conflicts in the required packages. I am creating a conda environment with Python 2.7, as specified, and then installing everything mentioned in base.txt, as follows:
I am trying to install the dependencies into a conda environment as I do not have install permissions on my system. However, anaconda finds conflicts in the required packages. I am creating a conda environment with Python 2.7, as specified, and then installing everything mentioned in base.txt, as follows:
conda create -n ATACgraph_env python=2.7
source activate ATACgraph_env
conda install --file base_anaconda.txt
here are the contents of
: numpy pandas pysam= matplotlib matplotlib-venn argparse pybedtools deepTools=3.3.0 scikit-learnI've attached the conflicts error. It seems that numpy, pandas, pybedtools and scikit-learn require python 3. Can you please advise me on this?
Many thanks, Helen