Riverscapes / ConfinementTool

Confinement Tool
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Measuring area of erosion between 2009 and 2015 bank lines #48

Open Hornbydd opened 5 years ago

Hornbydd commented 5 years ago

@dsear and @joewheaton ,

We have bank lines for 2009 and 2015, the area between them could represent erosion or deposition an example is shown below.


The challenge is to:

  1. Identify the area between these intersecting boundaries
  2. Identify if it is eroding or depositing
  3. Identify if it is genuine change or simply down to vagaries in digitising.

Step 1

image Intersection split points

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

image Lines enclosed and attributed with a label layer

Step 5

image Red indicates the polygon area is less than the proposed 2m buffer area and is therefore considered a possible digitising error rather than any real change.

Limitations with this tool

Hornbydd commented 5 years ago


I have been fixing some of the bugs in the island bank tool (not the river bank tool). Got most of them but there are a couple of topologically knotty issues, those pathological cases that exist. These are the law of diminishing return type problems and for the demonstration dataset I think acceptable. It will take some brain effort to solve those! I assume I just need to cookie cut those data to the floodplain partitions so they can be attributed back to the segment, if that is what you want?


Hornbydd commented 5 years ago

I have constructed a tool that takes the partition floodplain, segmented network and the change in area for banks and islands and transfer this data to the segmented network layer.


This transfer 4 fields of data to the segmented network.

Field name Field Type Description
Bank_Deposition_Outside2mError Double This is the area of deposition within the segments floodplain partition polygon that was coded as outside the 2m error and thus considered real change.
Bank_Erosion_Outside2mError Double This is the area of erosion within the segments floodplain partition polygon that was coded as outside the 2m error and thus considered real change.
Bank_Deposition_Within2mError Double This is the area of deposition within the segments floodplain partition polygon that was coded as inside the 2m error and thus considered error rather than real change.
Bank_Erosion_Within2mError Double This is the area of erosion within the segments floodplain partition polygon that was coded as inside the 2m error and thus considered error rather than real change.