Riverscapes / QRAVEPlugin

QGIS Plugin for viewing Riverscapes projects
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Explanding NAIP plus basemap crashes QGIS #105

Open philipbaileynar opened 4 months ago

philipbaileynar commented 4 months ago

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open QGIS
  2. Open any project in QViewer (0.9.0)
  3. Click the arrow beside "NAIP Plus" to expand it.

CleanShot 2024-02-12 at 11 16 58@2x


QGIS crashes.

KellyMWhitehead commented 4 months ago

This popped up in the debug console while working through qris. Probably relevant, but need more research.

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='services.nationalmap.gov', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /arcgis/services/USGSNAIPImagery/ImageServer/WMSServer?service=wms&request=GetCapabilities&version=1.0.0 (Caused by NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x0000020E886B38E0>: Failed to resolve 'services.nationalmap.gov' ([Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed)"))
KellyMWhitehead commented 3 months ago


1) NAIP urls have changed. Will need to update these in the business xml.

2) QRV is having some trouble parsing the wms layers in NAIP plus. Need to investigate.